chapter 6

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Journey's POV

When I got home I got a shower and got ready I wore a gold sequened pencil skirt that came down to mid thigh, a tight black tank top that flares out at the bottom and my strappy black high heels. Just as i finished putting hairspray in my newly curled hair my phone rang, Aron's picture and "badboy" popped up.

J journey
A Aron

J wassup badboy
A I just pulled in to grandmom's driveway
J come to my room I have a present for you.
A now your scarring me
J not like that you jerkwadd
A I thought I was the jackbutt
J same thing
A open your door I'm at the top of the stairs
J ok boo
A bye bæ
J we are going to get some weird looks tonight and Monday
A yeah but who cares bæ
J not me boo
A ok open up your door I'm outside it
J ok be right there hanging up now

End of call

"Hey bæ!" Aron yelled. "Hey boo!" I yelled back. "Wow journey you look good, all joking aside." Aron said in a whisper. "T-thanks." I whisper back studering. "You ready?" Aron asks. ."hang on let me change phone cases." I say back. "Ok take your time there's no rush." He says sweetly. "Ok let's go before mom gose all Sherlock Holmes on us." I say with a wink.


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