Is there a point to wear makeup?
Should I put more on?
I look ugly with it.
How did I get my boyfriend/girlfriend?
How does he/she like me?
Why do I even try?
If I eat this will I get sick?
Why am I called perfect?
What if he/she finds someone new?
Am I good enough?
If I wear this shirt will I look fat?
Is there peanuts in this?
Am I going to get sick?
This schoolwork is too hard.
I'm not going to pass.
Everyone hates me.
Do people actually like me?
Why is she smarter than me?
I hate myself because I can't do that.
I did something stupid. I always do stupid stuff.
Why am I here? I don't want to do something idiotic.
She's so much more pretty.
Why can't I look that pretty?
Does the teacher like me?
Will she fail me?
Is this classwork going to be easy?
Am I going to die today?
Are my parent's going to catch me doing something?
Will I have an asthma attack today?
Does my boyfriend/girlfriend still love me?
Does he/she even want to talk today?
I can't memorize this!
I can't play this instrument.
Do I have to do this?
(some are my personal problems)