159 3 2


PizzaforT I Love third wheeling with these 2! Don't you! 💩💩 @kingofdark @tumblr

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I Love third wheeling with these 2! Don't you! 💩💩 @kingofdark @tumblr.p
❤️ 34,567
💬 6,492

👥 Comments 👥

Kingofdark - You ruined our selfie...

Tumblr.p - omg Taurus half your face is in it 😂

Water_girlx - lmfao

Vir.bae - @kingofdark omg Scorpio 😂😂

Kingofdark - what he did @Vir.bae

Zodiac Instagram (English)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora