Chapter 1

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Levi rolled over in bed and snuggled up to Drew enjoying the last few minutes before they had to get up and pretend that they were nothing more than best friends. Although they hated it, keeping their relationship a secret was unfortunately a necessary evil to keep the band from splitting up. The only people who were aware of the situation were Brad and Connor as they had barged into their hotel room one morning before they were awake and found them cuddled up in bed. Just then the alarm on Drew's phone went off waking them up. Drew rolled over and switched it off before burying himself back under the covers, moaning at the lack of warmth coming from Levi, who had flopped down onto the other bed in their room. Realising that he wasn't going to get anymore sleep without Levi, Drew climbed out of the bed and flopped down on top of Levi, closing his eyes and snuggling into the slightly younger boy. Both boys drifted back off to sleep until their hotel door burst open and Davey came bundling into the room, waking both of them up and causing Drew to fall of the bed.
"Come on guys, we've got to get going soon." He exclaimed before leaving the room to go wake Austin and Nate.
"But I don't wanna get up." Levi whined pulling the covers up over his head. Drew reached up and pulled Levi off the bed onto the floor with him.
"If I have to get up so do you."
"How about we both stay in bed?" Levi replied snuggling into Drew trying to get warm again.
"In case you haven't noticed we're not exactly in a bed."
"Well then we can get back in the bed." Levi whined.
"As much as I would love to, we have to head out on the road soon." Drew replied before kissing Levi on the forehead and standing up to get dressed. 15 minutes later Drew was dressed and just finishing his hair when Davey came back in the room to find Levi back in bed again.
"Levi! You need to get out of bed we're leaving in ten minutes!" Davey then pulled the blanket off Levi throwing to the other side of the room and proceeding to drag Levi from the bed until he landed on the floor once again.
"What is it with you people and putting me on the floor?" Levi whined pulling himself up using the side of the bed.
"It's your own fault for not getting out of bed." Drew called from in the bathroom.
Levi started to pull on some clothes not realising that he had pulled on one of Drew's t-shirts and stuffing everything back into his bag, making sure he picked up his phone and charger from where it was plugged in on the other side of the room. Drew came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and after grabbing his bag they made their way downstairs and on to the tour bus. Levi made his way straight to the bunks once on the bus, instantly falling asleep again after making himself comfortable. Drew shook his head before putting his bag away and then making his way back to the sofa to wait for the other guys.
"Hey Drew, where's Levi?" Austin asked walking onto the bus.
"He went back to sleep on his bunk." Drew replied looking up from his phone. Blake, George and Reece climbed on the bus behind Austin and Nate and also asked were Levi was.
"Asleep in his bunk." Drew replied once again not looking up from his phone.
"Are you sure about that?" Blake asked pulling the curtain back on Levi's bunk to see it empty. Drew stood up making his way to the sleeping area. He turned to his own bunk and pulled back the curtain to see Levi curled up clutching his pillow fast asleep.
"He must have been too tired to realise it wasn't his bunk." Drew said to Blake while watching how peaceful Levi looked while asleep. Both boys made their way back to the sofas where Austin and Reece had started a game of Fifa on the Xbox. They had just finished the UK leg of the tour with The Vamps and were now heading to Paris to start the European part. However, someone had messed up the plane tickets and it was decided that The Tide and New Hope Club would travel down on the tour bus. The only problem with this was that Drew and Levi didn't get any alone time with all 7 boys sharing the bus. The next couple of hours passed with the boys taking turns on the Xbox until they pulled into a service station. Reece, Blake, George and Nate got off the bus to get some fresh air and Austin was just about to follow when he noticed Drew hadn't moved.
"Are you coming Drew?" he asked pausing at the top of the stairs.
"Yeah I'm just going to wake Levi up, you go ahead and we will catch up." Drew replied.
"Are you sure?" Austin asked.
"Yeah we'll be out as soon as Levi's awake." Drew replied watching Austin think about what he said before making his way off the bus. 

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