Chapter 4

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Nate decided that he was going to get George to talk to him by texting him. 'Hey, I know we're sitting across from each other but I need to talk to you in the cave but don't tell the others. Nate.' He then stood up and declared that he was going to get dressed before heading to the cave making sure to actually grab some clothes on the way. George stood up a few minutes later and followed.

"Hey, what do you want to talk about?" George asked shutting the door behind him.

"Drew and Levi." Nate replied.

"Drew and Levi?" George asked confused.

"Yeah. They're dating but they're keeping it a secret from everyone and they don't know that me and Austin know. We thought that we would talk to you guys and then maybe tell them that we know."

"But why do you need to talk to us about it first?" George asked slightly confused.

"Me and Austin thought that if we could tell them that you knew and were okay with it, they might take the news that we know better. They might just think that we are trying to out them but we really aren't. We just want to help. There are only three of you so in a hotel they tend to just put you all in one room, but they spilt us up and put us into two rooms. Joe and Davey always tend to pair Austin and Levi up in one room and me and Drew in another. We figured that if we told them that we knew, we could swap rooms and they can spend as much time together as they possibly can. We aren't going to be on tour forever and when we go back home they aren't really going to get a chance to see each other in person because they live like 5 hours away from each other." Nate clarified.

"That's a good idea. How long have they been dating?" George asked sinking further back into his seat.

"Me and Austin noticed a couple of months ago, but we don't actually know how long they've been dating before that." Nate replied.

"I totally fine with it and I'm really happy for them and the other guys will be as well I'm sure." George replied.

"Austin is going to try and talk to them at some point without it looking suspicious to Drew and Levi."

"I can talk to one of them if you want so it doesn't look suspicious. If it'll help." George offered and Nate nodded in reply. They then proceeded to get dressed and make their way back to join the others. Austin and George shared a knowing look before George engaged Reece in conversation. Blake stood up to wash the plates of where they had eaten toast for breakfast. Austin stood up and joined him at the sink and after he saw Drew and Levi disappear into the cave, he explained the situation to him. While they weren't around George also explained the situation to Reece. Once they had been told separately they all sat around the table and agreed that Nate and Austin would talk to Drew and Levi and Blake, George and Reece would hang out in the cave out of the way. Drew and Levi came back to the table fully dressed and giggling between themselves. Not long after they sat back down Blake called a group meeting for New Hope Club and they disappeared to the back of the bus, shutting the door behind them to give the others privacy. Austin sat next to Nate and they both turned to face the other two members of the band. Austin decided that he would do most of the talking as Nate could be a little too blunt sometimes.

"Okay so we need to talk to you guys. We decided that we weren't originally going to say anything but, we changed our minds as we hope that more good can come from this, than if we hadn't said anything. We both figured out a couple of months ago that you are dating. We didn't want to bring it up because we didn't want to pressure you into telling anyone and of course you still don't have too. We just thought that it would be easier if you didn't have to sneak around so much and hide all the time. This way when we all get split up we can swap rooms and we can help keep Joe and Davey off your back. I know we probably should have checked with you first but we spoke to Reece, George and Blake and they are totally fine with it they're all really happy for you too." Drew and Levi glanced at each other before standing up and pulling both Austin and Nate into a group hug.

"Thanks guys." Levi said tightening his grip around Drew. They separated apart and Austin went to tell Reece, George and Blake that they could come back into the main part of the bus.

At some point earlier in the morning they had started moving again and the bus had now reached to port to board the ferry to France. To the discomfort of most on board, the journey from Dover to Calais was quite choppy and everyone was glad when they finally touched land. The rest of the journey was spent making plans for their day off in Paris, and they were happy when they finally reached the hotel. Davey was waiting in the lobby when they disembarked the bus.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" he asked.

"There was an accident and it took hours for them to re-open the road." Austin answered.

"Okay then, here's the keys to your rooms. Austin and Levi you're sharing and Nate and Drew you're sharing. Blake, George, Reece we managed to get it so you are all in one room. Tomorrow you have the day off but this afternoon is the free meet and greet at the venue. You've got an hour before we need to leave so I'll leave you to freshen up and get settled. See you in an hour."

The boys all headed towards the elevator and they made their way to their rooms. Once in the elevator Drew, Levi, Nate and Austin all agreed that they would leave their bags in their assigned rooms, but Nate and Levi would switch when everyone else was asleep. They would just make sure that the following morning they switched back before everyone else was awake. After getting changed and freshening up all four of The Tide boys gathered in one room and spent the remainder of the hour just watching TV, or in Levi's case having a nap. An hour later Drew woke him and they made their way down to the lobby to meet Davey and the others.

"Something has come up and I need to make a few phone calls, but I will meet you there and will definitely make the rehearsal. Joe will be there to meet you when you arrive so don't worry." Davey said before herding them all back onto the bus. The journey to the venue wasn't a long one but the New Hope Club boys disappeared to the back of the bus leaving the Tide at the front. Drew and Levi sat cuddled together on the sofa with Austin and Nate sat opposite them.

Sorry for not updating for a few days but I've been quite busy, and every time I sat down to edit this chapter I couldn't focus and really wasn't getting anywhere. :)


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