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SMASH!!, my hand was sore when I fluttered my eyes open, oops i did it again. i always do that in the morning ever since my dad has kept on bugging me to always turn it as he says "TURN IT OFF, or you won't see your next meal in a week" he always says (I do like my food) so I always shut it off as quickly as I can because... you know a girl's gotta eat when a girl's gotta eat. After I had that little moment of talking to myself I look at my alarm clock "Oh crap" I thought it is 9:45am, I'm late for school again.

Basically I fall out of bed feeling like I'm some sort of supernatural creature because of how fast I am going to my closet to get some clothes for the day. I look through my closet, frantically passing my eyes to the clock every five seconds wishing it could turn back and go to 8:00pm when I'm SUPPOSED to get up. I just can't believe that my parents didn't wake me up like they usually do.

I quickly grab some random clothes chuck them on and look in the mirror, I am wearing blue jeans that have a faded white strip across the bottom where my jeans meet the floor, I'm wearing a hot pink tank-top (i just love tank-tops you can get them in any color and they look amazing in everything) with the word OMG across my chest and some flip flops which are hot pink to match my top.

i look at the clock "OH NOO" I scream in my head it's 10:12am did it really take me that long to get ready anyway, I swing open my bedroom door, run to the end of the hallway, turn a sharp left, then run down the left side of the stairs towards the front door. Then I stop... looking confused "What?" I say in a confused tone, it's... dark outside, I then look back at the staircase and bolt back up the stairs and into my room, I then swing open the curtain and all I see is just blackness with a few shimmering white specks in the sky.

I look at my alarm clock it says 9:28pm, I think for a moment... PM!!, I only slept like two hours cause I went to sleep at 7.00pm. What I look at it again "damn" I say quietly in frustration trying NOW not to make loud noises, I didn't even check the letters, I'm sooooo stupid, all this time and I can't even read a friggin ALARM CLOCK, sigh... "Whatever" I think, I then get into my PJ's and fall onto my bed I immediately fall asleep.




CRASH! I am suddenly awoken by a loud noise coming from down stairs, I jolt up from my bed my adrenalin has kicked in, looking around with legs wobbling under me 'I am so scared right now' I think, I go to my closet and pull out a batt, yeah I know who has a batt in their closet, me because my dad taught me self defense and trust me in came in real handy when the boys at my school were picking on the "newbie".

Anyway I am looking at my door with a batt in my hand, freaking out trying to decide if I should open the door swinging my batt around like a maniac or just get under my bed and scream until the neighbor's come running. While I'm having this debate in my head of which decision I should choose, I suddenly hear a noise come from behind me, I freak out frozen then slowly peeped over my shoulder, phew I was just a message coming from my computer.

I then looked at my door I had made a decision I was going to go a check where the noise came from. I gulped then slowly and quietly as I could opened my door, peeped my head around the corner and like a awesome spy, I did one of those rolly pollies down the hall and made it to the stairs, still with the batt in my hand i walked down the stairs slowly and made my way to where the noise was coming from.

It sounded like the noise was coming from the kitchen so I made my way to the kitchen, when i arrived i was just about to swing my batt like a maniac when i saw three people standing all in a row.. looking at me, I then did my plan, I took my batt and swung it around like a manic trying to hit them, they did nothing but stand there looking...staring, did I miss?... Yep!, i couldn't see there faces because of a shadow that went across there face from the window, then all of a sudden one of them swiftly made there way toward me holding of what I made out a...rope, "A ROPE" i said in a high and squeeky tone, i then held up my batt ready to swing at the guy who was very close to me, my posture looks as if it were saying this 'back away you CRAZY people', when i made the posture, one of them laughed, grabbed the batt out of my hands, this guy was crazy strong i had that batt so tight in my hand i swear it had a dent in it, i looked at him and only caught his lips because the shadow that was across his face was still there, i felt frightened but before i could do anything a sharp pained fell across the back of my neck, the last thing i saw was the one in front of me had a very big, broad smile across his face... crap I thought as my body thudded on the hard wooden floor.


I opened my eyes and then blinked a couple of times. I tried to get up but my hands weren't moving they were TIED UP!, shit, I panicked, then wondered why, feeling scared I tried to remember what had happened, suddenly a hole lot of memories came flooding in, I had just remembered that some random guys had taken wait KIDNAPPED me when I was in MY home! my breathing was getting a little rough now I was having a hard time taking it all in, I had never been kidnapped before! i men come on, what the hell God what did I ever do to you! why would someone do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? Why were these guys kidnapping me? How do I get out of here?

All these questions were buzzing around my head, I opened my eyes, then tried to sit up but the rope that was around my hands and feet were connected to my body as well, I couldn't move! I tried and I tried but I just couldn't, I looked around the room, I was in a room, on a bed that had cream colored sheets and a bed frame the color of blood red above me, the room was VERY big, the walls were the same colour as the bed only a little bit more of a tan color than a cream, there were no walls because the room was egg shaped, when I looked up at the coned roof, there was a chandelier that had glistening diamonds and emeralds covering it, there was nothing else in the center of the room except me, the bed, and the chandelier that was above me.

One thing had caught my attention was the large, amber colored double door that was at the opposite end of the room. I had to get over to that door and get out of here, I tried to move but I couldn't, not even and inch, I then tried to break the rope with my hands, didn't work, well I tried. Then I used a different tactic, I first got my thumbs and fiddled with the rope until the rope tie loosened I pulled until the rope gave up and my hands were free, I then tried to think of a way to get my feet out of the ropes, I used my free hands to loosen my feet so they could move and easily get out of the knot, the rope that was around my whole body had loosened and slacked on my body, making it easier for me to move. While thinking of a way I could bust out of here my train of thoughts were interrupted by a noise that came out of the double door in front of me, it was the sound of the door...unlocking!, what should I do?

I then decided to pretend that I was sleeping, I rolled back my head into a sought of comfortable position hiding my hands under my body to cover the knots that have been un-tied, I heard the door open, foot steps came up behind me, I peeped open my eye that was nearest to the blanket on the bed, I looked at the door and saw that it was still open 'alright' I thought 'all I have to do it run to the door slam it shut behind me and get to hell out of here' as swiftly as I could I sat up quickly and ran to the door, the ropes coming off me as I was running, with my feet up high and my heart pumping I rushed out the door and slammed it shut behind me.

I looked around all I saw was a long hallway with a deep red- almost black, carpet that rolled along the ground and showed a door at the end of it, I started to run towards the door but I was pulled back by a hand that had clasped a whole lot of my long, strawberry coloured hair and fell over, my head hit hard on the glossy marble floor next to the carpet, I then rolled over on my side, panting and saw a pair of black shoes that were very shiny as though they had just been polished, my hair was being pulled up until I was wincing in pain and staring straight into emerald green eyes, then a voice that sounded like shattered glass spoke to me and said, "It's time we left" before I could say anything the man in front of me looked deeply into my eyes and suddenly a cloud of blackness spread across my eyes and I collapsed.

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