- When He Saves Me -

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I had awoken in a room unfamiliar to me AGAIN!! and the walls were covered in a thick black coat of paint, there was only one way that I saw to get out, it was that Amber colored door again still in front of me. The room was exactly the same, the coned roof, the bed but the only thing that was different was the walls, they were a rich black with a pattern of white snow.

My head hurt so much I dared not to move in case if I got up I would faint, great, I had been kidnapped, pulled by the hair by some douche, and on top of allll that I had a splitting headache, I did not want to be messed with, I was so pissed of!

Suddenly the door in front of me swung open, the door banged against the wall beside it quite loudly, making me jump, there was a man in front of me panting like he had just ran a marathon, he was bruised everywhere and had blood dripping from his elbow to the floor, ew, his other hand was covering the wound and his eyes were glued to me, making me self conscious for some reason, I started to feel scared and worried, uh...who the hell was this?

The man looked at me with his copper blond hair covering one eye, the color of his visible eye was a nice, light amber like mine but a little darker, he was smiling but it was a smile of relief, it was like the man was happy that he found something important to him. He then started to come towards me I was squirming and trying to get free of the ropes that were around my hands, freaking hell with the ropes they suck, he then ran over to me and grabbed me by my arm, undid all the ropes quickly, then held me a little to close for comfort.

I was staring in shock, speaking loudly I said through in a muffled voice because there was a cloth over my mouth "let me go you idiot, take me home!" trying to get free of his iron grip but Couldn't He suddenly said in a hushed tone "shh, shh quiet they might hear you coming!" his voice was like silk it was so smooth and lovely, he then whispered to me "I am not an enemy I have come to rescue you, I don't know how you got here but I'll get you out I promise, Abby I a-" his words were cut of by yelling and screaming coming from the hall outside the room "WHERE THE HELL IS HE, FIND HIM IMMIDIATELY, WHAT IDIOT DIDN'T WATCH HIM!??"

I was so frightened I couldn't move but the man in front of me felt familiar in a way he had this kind of resemblance to me I didn't know what it was but I felt safe in his arms. He then Lifted me from the bed and untied the cloth from my mouth, I breathed in a lump of air, he then told me to get up and I did, he then lifted me up and took me to the door I was so close to him and I felt safe...Finally.

He lifted me out into the hall way there were people down the hallway wearing black hats with green and white army clothes, I didn't understand what they were wearing. Were the people with the Army? or were they with the green-eyed man? Either way there was only one man I could trust it was the man who had me in my arms with his copper brown hair a little red from blood that had been spilled, that was obviously from a possible cut he got from someone, the green-eyed man?

The yelling and screaming from the hall way was now right down the end of where we stood, right at the corner where five men standing covered in the green and white army clothes, they were muttering words that I could not hear but the man that was carrying me his face had gone pale, it looked as if he had a snowball thrown at his face and it stayed there, the men in the army clothes stopped and turned quickly to lock both of there eyes on me and the man who held me.

We were busted, caught red-handed on trying to get way from the room where I was taken, the men were now running down the hall and pointing there guns at us, the copper-blond man holding me was not running he was frozen, just standing there like he had seen a ghost he was not moving. 'OMG jut get a move on there coming' I thought, I then nudged his shoulder quite hard because that is how far my arm would reach, he finally snapped out of it and stared at me like I had saved his life, yeah! Well I think I pretty much damn well did, he started to run the other way from where the army men were.

He turned a sharp left and ran for the double doors that were now in front of us because he ran so fast the world was slowing down and lights were flashing everywhere. My head started to hurt so much it made me scream, the man looked down at me and his face full of realization he then put his hand on my head and I fell unconscious, the last thing I saw was a humongous amount of light come from above my head and a warm feeling rushing over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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