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  This is a surprise for all of you for 100...
Yeah I know it's very late... JUST APPRECIATE IT! You all make me feel so special inside when you guys even say my stories are good!(AKA: HanaHUSSEIN15 and others too) and also I would like to thank the group(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) for helping me out with BraveTale, and also all of you. Even though I'm just some 15 year old girl doing art and some writing here and there, you all make me feel so.... So happy and content. This is actually one of the most active places I go, even when I told you guys I couldn't do certain things due to the situation I was in, you all cheered me up and say nice things to me... Even though some of us need to well add some stars to our cursing in the comments and replies... And still thank you all so much!
Also just in case you can't see the top...

 And still thank you all so much! Also just in case you can't see the top

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And just for the fun of it, here's what the sketch looked like! \/

And just for the fun of it, here's what the sketch looked like! \/

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I give ya all many KUDOS! Bye!

Meow's Art Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant