Request from...

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ElectricOtter here ya go!

ElectricOtter you may use this image anyway you want since it was your request!

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou télécharger une autre image.

ElectricOtter you may use this image anyway you want since it was your request!

And if you want to make a request, please go to the 'Drawing Request are now...' Chapter! Ok?

While others:\/
Also, there has been some concerns I have been going over with myself, so in any case, here goes nothing!
Ok! If you want to use ANY of my art in some sort of way, you have to ask me for permission from now on, I've been seeing a lot of problems with other artist, and it has now concerned me as well, so for this time at least... Just for now bear with me (no pun intended) and enjoy! Just make sure to ask before you do it. Thanks, bye bye!!

Meow's Art Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant