Chapter Two

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As I'm walking I get shoved into a glass case. I look up and see a girl.

"Listen here and listen good. I'm the Queen Bee here. Also, stay away from Landon. Cause he's mine." And with that she saunters off.

I get up off the floor and continue looking for my Science class. I find it and walk in. Everyone's head turns to look at me. I look at the teacher and he just stares at me. I feel something slide down my arm. I look at my arm and see it bleeding. I gently touch the wound before passing out.

I open my eyes to find Oliver looking at me worriedly.

"Oh. My. God! Your okay! Thank goodness! I was so worried Lacey!" He says while hugging the life out of me.

"Can't......Breathe!" I exclaim. He releases me and starts apologizing.

We were chatting and suddenly there's a knock at the door. I say 'Come in' and in walks.......................................................................My big brother. All the memories come flooding back to me. I remembered all the times he took the hits for me while I went and his.

He cautiously walks towards me, and asks "You are Lacey, right?"

"Yes." I whisper. He hugs me like I'll disappear any second.

"I...missed you Lacey!" He says as tears stream down his face.

"I've missed you too, Mason. Now dry those tears." I replied hugging him.

After a while the doctor came in and said I was good to go. Oliver drove me home and when we arrived at my house, I invited him in for coffee.

We sat on the couch and watched TV. I slowly felt my eyes closing before I fell into a deep sleep.

Hope y'all enjoyed the Chappie. Wait. I just called the chapter Chappie. Good job me. By the way. Please leave a vote or comment, it'll make my day. ;3 Thanks!

Love you guys!



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