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It was A sunny aftrnoon and Jish was walkigg down the street listening to this is gospel By panic! AT the disco and Jishwa was fangirling really hard like really hardcore fangurling and the A butt er fly named Phil came flying INTO jishe' face and he was like: wtaf u doing i'm tryong to fangurl here goddamnit.
So joshisu was really angry and then the butterfuck turned into PHIL LESTER and said: you beter be nice to me u little fuck imma grant ur wishes.
And Jishwa was rlly happy again so he said to Phil the butterfuck: i wanna daddy fuk with brandn urie from panic! AT the ducjingdbsbsh.
Phil was like lol k and then Bren magically appeared and jisg was fangirling so hard he jumped on brendon and crid so hard he nearly died.
And outta nowhere A wild tyjo appeared and scremed: FEK YU GET UR OWN FREN BRANDUN.
And Bren was really scard and the little butterfuck was gone so brendon was stuck in the world bc he came from another planet called Hot fucks.
When jishu saw tja he got of of brendin and tylur pulled him into the sky with him so brdn was all alone in the wkrld but then he saw the buttfly daddy ficking with dan the emu guy and he asked: do u guys mind if i join u. And they said no so they did A threesomek until 7 in the mrnjng.
That was the story if u want more ask me rn k bi idk what dat was but idont fgive A flipping fuck bi

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