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Everyone was in hell now and hell wasn't that bad. The leader of hell wasn't satan but it was a blue demon with yellow eyes and it looked a bit lik brandun. When brandon came into hell he looked at the demon funny and the demon decided to punish him. Tray and Phil where walking trough hell until they found the rest. Everyone was there and even some new people: Jishua, tyjo, crybbebe, dan and halsah was there too. (i life for all of these people) Everyone was happy and singing songs togheter so phil and tray joined them. No one even noticed brendon was gone bc everybody hated him except for jishwa he went looking for the poor boi. Jisj was walking tru hell and searching and searching and searching for bren but he didn't find him at first. Then he heard something in the bushes so he jumped in the bushes to find a door. He opened it and walked in it to find Brendon sittin in a dark room alone. 'Dafuq dude wyd?' Asked jush. 'The demon put me in here halp me.' He answered. Johua was shoked and he helped Brenda get up from the chair he was sitting on. He was taped to the chair so jishua freed him and they where standing in the room, looking at eachother. Finally, brendon kissed joshie on the mouth end they fell on the ground still kissing. Josh kissed him back and found it very fun. Brendon removed both of their tshirts and started rubbing jishes nipples and he liked it so jish moaned but the moan was too loud and the demon heard it so he came flying in the room and said: Wtaf u doing u gay? Brendon i have to talk to u.' Breandon got up and followed the demon leavin jish all alone half naked on the ground.
The demon and brendon where sitting in his office and demon said: 'I found out something about us. U r my brother and i'm ur evil twin.' He said. Brendan was just sitting there and then he smiled. 'I love you.' he said and the demon said i love you too. Then he brought Brendon back to jish and said. 'U can fuck in peace now.' and then he left.
Brendon and jish where enjoing their time alone, it was rlly nice. When they got back from the room tyslut was really mad at jish. Jish asked why and tyjo said: 'I heared you moan all the way over here, and i know it was u bc i know how u moan, you moan like that everynight when we do it.' Jish just stood there and was really ashamed of his actions with brendon. He never wanted to hurt tyler his best fren (with benefits). Tylur walked away and went crying in a corner until it was time for them to go to sleep. The whole night jish was planning in surprising tyler with someting new they had never done before. He was gonna like it rlly much.

this friking story has 500+ words hope y'all happy now, thanks for reading this crap bi.

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