When Did I Believe In Love?

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I started to believe in love since 21/5/2016 that's when I started going out with Blayse am happy he asked me out or who knows what I would be doing right now!

I went out with people that just broke my heart. I can tell it's not going to happen to me this time! Blayse is different than the people I've EVER been out with he treats me with the respect I deserve, he protects me from getting hurt, he trusts me unlike the others and he cheers me up if there's ever something wrong.

I remember when we first met as a couple he gave me his hoodie, a teddy of my favourite animal and a necklace. 

He also wanted to take me out for our month anniversary like somewhere fancy but I didn't allow him because I want him to keep his money. I don't need all these things as long as I have my man that treats me right that's all I want!

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