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It's like a scar it never leaves,
You can wear it like diamonds around your neck or a ball and chain to your feet

No matter how much you try to hide it, it can always be seen;
It can be seen in the pain in your eyes that reflects like light off a steel beam
It can be felt in the hurt of your voice
That can be heard like the echo of a thousand screams

It can be seen in the things you do
And how you carefully calculate every move
How you're scared to love
Scared to trust
Scared to let someone in

Afraid they'll hurt you again
Terrified they'll break a heart
That's already been broken a thousand times
That's only being held together by lies that you're "fine"

But every time I look at you,
I see long nights with no rest
Your pillow case soaked with all the tears you wept
I see a pill bottle tossed across the hardwood floors
How you take a handful because you don't want to hurt anymore

I see the scars on your wrists and thighs,
All the times you said you "rather just die"

But I see something new,
I see a light in your soul
I see pieces of the past and how you're finally letting it go
I see your strength, I see our fight
I see a pure hope to change your life

And for you I really wish the world,
Because you deserve so much more
Than to be a sad, lonely, depressed girl.

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