An Unexpected Life 3

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This wont be very long but next friday or sat i will upload again!!

Really sorry but everything is very hectic at the moment this should be the only free time for the whole week

Please comment and let me know what u think




I opened my eyes  and we were all still on the sofa. I had no idea what the time was but everyone else was still asleep. I unwrapped J's arms and carefully stood up silently taking care to not wake everyone. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

"Teri?" A groggy voice asked.

I froze and turned aound. I saw Becks staring at me from the sofa.  "Shhhh! Come here but don't wake them." I told her.

She slipped off the sofa and graciously. Not. She collapsed on the floor in a pile. It took all of my energy to not bust out laughing at her. She wasn't impressed. She stormed over and gave me a pathetic slap on my arm.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." I complained.

I walked back over to the couch with the cup of water in my hands and looked at J and Lee both asleep next to each other. Brain wave!

"Becks hold this." I whispered.

She took the cup out of my hands and I turned J's and Lee's heads together. I wrapped their arms around each other  and put Lee's leg over J's. Becks was almost in stiches at the sight of them both. I ran into our room and grabbed my camera from the bed side table. I took the picture of the two of them ready to humiliate them with later.

I took the water from Becks and threw it over them. They both screamed really high pitched and jumped off the couch onto the floor. They were still tangled together in a pile. I quickly took another picture before they could stop me.

"Teri!" They both yelled. Uh oh. I bolted for the door and ran down the corridor. I could hear their heavy footseps behind me. I ran outside the building and put my camera in a bush ready for me to get later. I ran round the corner.

"Teri! You are so dead." Lee yelled. They were gaining on me. I turned the corner and saw the pool ahead of me. I tried to head for the door the other side but I felt a weight on my back. I turned around just as I was falling and I grabbed J and Lee and pulled them down with me. Becks was stood by the side of the pool laughing at us.

"You aren't getting away with this either." Lee threatened Becks. He climbed out of the pool and Becks started to run away but unfortunatly she wasn't really a great sports person. Lee caught her within seconds and she was thrown into the pool.

I felt something pull at my waist so I turned around to see J was the one pulling me. "Why is it that we always seem to end up in this pool?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I am still mad at you by the way." he told me

"No your not." I replied.

"Yes.." I cut him off with a kiss.

"Still mad."

"If your still mad then that means that you won't get to see me in a dress tonight." I was relieved I wouldn't have to go throug that torture.

"I've got over it."


"Don't be like that. I am looking forward to seeing you in a dress." He told me.

"Yer so you can laugh at me."  I retorted.

"No because I know you will look great." he whispered.

I blushed but the moment was ruined by Becks "Teri we have got to get ready! Come on now." She yelled but I refused to move. Next think I know something grabs my ankle and pulls me. My head dunks under the water until I fell myself being pulled up right and pulled onto the side.

"Teri Becks want you to go with her so don't be mean." Lee yelled

"Lee are you tying to kill me!" I yelled

"No because then I wouldn't be able to annoy you on our road trip."

"Urgh don't remind me."

"Come on." Becks yelled. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back to our room.

Let the torture begin!


sorry about this chapter its kind of borin but please leave a comment any way

An Unexpected Life  ( Sequel to An Unexpected Change.)Where stories live. Discover now