An Unexpected Life 6

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Soo I am soooo excited that An Unexpected Change has now over 50000 reads! I want to thank you all because I would have never ever thought it would do that well.

 wasn't going to upload until after chistmas but because you guys are so amazing i thought i would upload fot you.

Please leave a comment for me

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you prefer



"I just want you to get into the building and retrieve this." Vince instructed. He showed me a map of the building and a picture of a computer chip.

"Simple." I remarked sarcastically. This was my first official mission and I knew that I should be worried but all I could feel was the adrenaline pumping around my body. The car suddenly stopped and I knew that we had arrived. Vince lifted the seat he was just sat on to reveal a treasure trove of weapons.

"Here." He said as he handed me 2 BB guns and a grenade. He wired me up with an ear piece to small it was practically invisible and my watch had a microphone when the alarm button was pressed. I strapped a gun, grenade and my spare cartages in a strap on my leg then covered that with my shorts. I loaded my other gun whilst looking at my route on the map.

I jumped out of the car and ran along the tree line. The house was huge it was a mansion bigger than I had ever seen. With my back against the wall, gun raised in position I peered through the window. There was a ball room full of men in tuxes and women in their finest dresses.

"Oi Vince." I whispered.

"Yes." He replied

"You didn't make it easy for me did you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh the party? Well just be inventive." Was his very helpful reply.

I rolled my eyes but I carried on creeping round the building looking for the back door that was my only potential entrance. As I creped round the corner when I spotted a small window that was open. Taking the opportunity I clambered through the window and landed silently on the balls of my feet scanning the area. I was in the east corridor not too far from the study where the chip was being held.

I creped along the wall hoping that I would not meet anyone. I counted the doors until I made it to the fifth door along. Through this door was another leading into the study. Deep voice could be heard from the other side. I took a deep breath whilst trying to prepare a plan. My estimation there was only two men in the room. Not too much of a challenge for me but I didn't really want the sound of shots to cause too much of a scene. There were many people at the party not too far away. I couldn't risk them knowing anything. The voices became louder so they must be ready to leave. I ducked into the next room. The room had a huge bed in it and two doors leading off I guessed for an ensuite and a dressing room. By the contents on the bedside table I guessed that a couple were staying here. I heard voices so I pressed my ear up against the door.

"Pleasure doing business with you." A deep voice said

"We had better head back to the party before any one starts to search for us." A familiar voice replied. That voice gave me the chills but for the life of me I couldn't remember who it belonged too. Before I could become too engrossed in my thoughts I took the opportunity of the empty corridor and ran into the study.

There was a huge dark wooden desk across the room. That was where I first went to search. There were a few papers lay around but nothing too telling. I had a hunch that this could not be all. The men had just had a business meeting and I would like to bet that the paperwork was still in this very room. On closer inspection of the desk I could see that it could be opened. The desk had many elaborate carvings which I ran my fingers along until I found it. I pushed it down and the desk opened. There sat in the desk was a grey briefcase. I popped it open to see what I was looking for the chip. I closed the desk back and quickly evacuated the room.

I ran down the corridor back to the window that I had entered but it was closed. I tried to pull it open but it was locked shut. "Just my luck" I muttered. I wandered down the corridor cautiously my original escape route was blocked by the party. There was no other way out but I was sure that I would be spotted if I walked through them in my shorts my outfit defiantly stuck out from the rest.

Remembering the room I was in earlier I sprinted back to it and open the first of the two doors. Lucky for me it was their wardrobe. I rummaged through it until I found the woman’s store of evening dresses. I picked the simple little black dress and threw it over my shorts and t-shirt. I hid the chip and other gun in the weapon strap as straightened myself out.

I snuck out of the room and down the corridor. When no one was looking I slipped into the hall where a small number of people stood scattered around. I could see the exit from the corner of my eye. So close to finishing this off. I headed for the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" A voice questioned.

I cursed silently but I turned around giving my innocent look. The tall man waited for an answer.

"Teri where are you?" Vince demanded though the ear piece. I had completely forgotten about it and I struggled to keep my composure.

The man was still waiting and I could tell he was losing his patience. "I needed some air I am afraid that I may be coming down with something." I explained using my posh English accent as an advantage.

"I shall accompany you." He replied.

I smiled and continued toward the door even though internally I felt like screaming. As soon as we stepped outside I was thinking of ways that I could escape.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing alone at a party?" He asked. I didn't reply. He took a step towards me. I could see he was going to pull a move on me and I saw an opportunity for escape. I took a step towards him looking deep into his eyes. I hated doing this. He leaned in and I did the same wrapping my arms around his neck. Before our lips touched I pushed in his pressure point and he dropped to the floor. I sprinted for the trees back to where the car was waiting without a glance back. He would only be unconscious for a few more minutes so there was not much time.

I jumped in the car and instructed the driver to hurry up and get out of there. I unstrapped the weapon holder and handed the chip to Vince.

"What happened Teri?" Vince asked.

"Didn't go quite as planned” Was my frank reply. Vince didn't pry and the rest of the journey was silent.

As soon as the car stopped I jumped out of the car and back to my room before anyone could discover that I was missing. I pulled the dress off and threw it into the cupboard before flying back down between Lee and J. As I was drifting off I could feel J wrap his arms around me. I smiled and snuggled closer to him.

It dawned on me that throughout the mission I had not thought of Lee, Becks or J once. It was like living another life. I put those thoughts out of my mind and went back to looking forward to the road trip starting tomorrow.


Thanks loads for reading and Please leave a comment :D

And again thanks for over 50000 reads on An Unexpected Change

An Unexpected Life  ( Sequel to An Unexpected Change.)Where stories live. Discover now