Chapter 1

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May's Café

712 Lincoln Avenue

Clayton, WV

"Order up!" a voice bellowed from the kitchen of May's Café as a heavy hand slammed down upon the service bell. Kayla Jordan, with her arms loaded down with trays of food, nodded at Ricky through the service window, while she maneuvered through the dining room delivering meals to patrons and checking on tables while she passed through. Reverend Murray flagged Kayla down, and she promptly refilled his glass of water, exchanging small talk and making sure he was satisfied with his meal. Meanwhile, table 7 was occupied by a trio of rowdy Renegades – members of the town's motorcycle club. They didn't bother Kayla much. They knew there would be repercussions for getting her all worked up, and the last thing they wanted to do was piss of Cedro Reed. Kayla smiled sweetly at the bikers, Kief, Riggs and Dutch, and passed each of them their meal, before sweeping away towards the next table.

Kayla rubbed her eyes with her right hand while she supported her tray with her left arm. She was exhausted, only having slept a few hours the night before. It was no one's fault but her own, though. Well, her own, and Jagger Kent. Jagger had called Kayla late last night. It hadn't taken much to entice her to leave baby Jayna with her mother, while she sowed some wild oats. He had pulled up outside her parents' house, the engine of his Harley roaring, at half past one in the morning. Much to her mother, the Sunday School teacher's dismay, Jagger didn't return with Kayla until quarter to seven in the morning with her makeup worn and rips in her fishnet stockings. Kayla, however, did not appear to have any qualms about her activities last night. A tired smirk broke onto her face. A night out with Jagger, in her opinion, was always a good time.

The kitchen bell rang three more times.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ricky cast a hostile gaze out the service window at Kayla. Reeling from the animosity in his stare, Kayla swallowed down air just before pursing her lips at Ricky.

"Order up! C'mon, Kay! What's the hold up?!" Ricky demanded to know. Rubbing his hand against his white t-shirt, Ricky looked absolutely fit to be tied.

Kayla was becoming flustered, and it was apparent on her face. Her cheeks burned red with embarrassment as patrons looked her way. As Mrs. Nielsen, a house wife notorious for being a gossip hound, peered her way and let out a little chuckle, Kayla snapped.

"See something funny?!" Kayla spat Mrs. Nielsen's way. "Mind yourselves!"

Mrs. Nielsen's eyes went wide with shock as Kayla swept by in a huff. "Old cow," she muttered under her breath.

Mrs. Nielsen leaned in closer to her friend Mrs. Pratt, keeping her eyes locked on the back of Kayla's head. "The nerve of that girl!"

Mrs. Pratt smirked as she watched Kayla walk away, her blonde ponytail swaying behind her. "She can say whatever she wants. Daddy will protect her..."

Examining her fingernails, Mrs. Nielsen smiled slyly, "Or Cedro..."

"Shirley! You dare call him by his first name?!" Mrs. Pratt asked, looking shocked.

Mrs. Nielsen shrugged. "Oh, come on, Nancy... He's not here... and besides, is he really going to waste his time on me?"

Mrs. Pratt motioned towards the bikers who were sitting a few tables over. "He's not, but his minions are..."

Mrs. Nielsen chuckled a little. "Not the brightest bulbs in the box, they are... I could offend them to their face and they wouldn't even know it. Besides, I heard Cedro has bigger fish to fry."

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