Chapter II

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I woke up, my eyes are puffy from crying. Then I just noticed that my window has cracks.

Did I do that?

I heard laughter from outside and I look from my window, and saw my 'family' outside. Yuki and Kana-nii were playing at the snow while my 'parents' were just watching them smiling. They probably sensed that someone was watching so both of them looked at my widow. Juri-sama was glaring at me while Haruka-sama just stare at me with emotionless eyes.

I stop watching them and I went and sit down at my bed hugging my knees. What did I do wrong? Why do I deserve this kind of treatment? I'm also their family but they hate me. 'I wish you never been born!' I remember Juri-sama said before she left. My family didn't want me I'm unwanted here. Then I decided since I'm not wanted here I should just leave than endure this pain. I wish I just left long ago.

That night I started packing my sketch book, some clothes and some personal belongings. I wore a white cloak and was about to leave when I saw the photo album of my 'family'. I had quite a few pictures of them, me together my parents or just me and Kana-nii smiling. I took them at the album and tear them apart. Then I saw a picture of us, we are sitting at the sofa, me and Kana-nii sitting at the middle while our parents sat at each side. It was taken at my 2nd birthday and mom was already pregnant and her due was getting near. I glared at them, hate showing at my eyes and I scribble some words and left through the window.

3rd Pov

Emily was walking towards Kireina's bedroom carrying her dinner but then she noticed a letter sticking out at the door frame. She took and reads it.

Mama Emily, if your reading this then that means I already left. I couldn't stand the pain anymore so I decided that I should just leave since I 'm unwanted here. I just want to say thank you for showering me your love and kindness that my parents couldn't give, and please tell the other servants thank you for taking care of me. You all gave me the will to live. I want to stay because of you guys but knowing that my parents hates me I couldn't stand it so I'm sorry for leaving. I love you all and always take care of yourselves. Please don't look for me I don't plan on coming back here.I love you so much Mama Emily and I hope we'll be seeing each other again someday. Take care ~Love Kireina~

Emily just stood there reading the letter again and again and couldn't help but to cry. "I love you too, my sweet Kireina. You're so sweet and kind. You don't deserve this kind of treatment from your family and take care I hope you could find happiness on your journey. I pray for your safety, my dear child". Emily stood up and wipe her tears away, she hid the letter and went to where the Kuran's are. She went to the basement and heard their laughter. 'They are laughing happily while their other child is suffering. I really don't understand them'. She knocks at the door and went in.

"Excuse me Haruka-sama, Juri-sama"

"What is it Emily?" Haruka asked.

"It's about Kireina..."

"Is there something wrong with her?" Kaname asked worried.

"She....she left"

"What?" Haruka said as he and Juri stood up and Kaname already ran towards her room. Once he entered he saw nothing only pieces of torn paper at the floor and the window open and snow slowly piling up at the floor. He took the torn papers and look he gasps.

"What's wrong Kaname?" ask Juri and Kaname gave the torn papers at her.

"Oh god, what have we done?" Juri sat at the floor crying staring at the torn pieces of their picture. Haruka just hug her wife.

"She left a note" Kaname whisper and gave it to Haruka. Juri cried seeing the note. There, a picture of them together smiling has scribble words. 'I hate you all'.

Kaname just stood there staring at the window his fist clench and crying silently. 'Kireina....'

Love or Hate (Vampire Knights x Kyou Kara Maou crossover)Where stories live. Discover now