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They rocked.

Suga looked on in amazement as Kageyama and Hinata worked harder than ever before. Kageyama was tossing with pinpoint accuracy and Hinata was running, jumping, and flying harder, faster, and better than ever. They were unstoppable.

They rocked.

But after every set they spoke no words between each other except for Hinata asking for the next set to be a little higher or lower and Kageyama responding affirmatively.

And even when they talked they didn't look at each other. There were no more excited shouts or amazed looks of wonder shared between them anymore. It was almost as if the other didn't exist.

And Sugawara was having a mid-life crisis.

"Suga are you crying?" Daichi asked worriedly.

"Sawamura what did I do wroooonnngggggg?" Suga sobbed.

Daichi looked around before casually slipping his arm around Sugawara's waist. Suga let his head fall on Daichi's shoulder.

"You didn't do anything wrong, babe. Let them figure it out for themselves. We just have to believe that they'll catch up someday," Daichi whispered.

"We're good parents aren't we Sawamura?" Suga asked.

"Yeah. The best," Daichi said before kissing Suga on the head.


"BRO I GOT MORE PICTURES," Tanaka screamed.


"I'll be right back. You'll get the body bags right?" Suga asked.

"Of course," Daichi laughed as his boyfriend ran after the second years, screaming at them to burn all photo evidence of their relationship. Daichi was a lucky man.


Kageyama doesn't think he did anything wrong. Albeit, he doesn't know when he does something wrong most of the time, but he's 96% sure that he hasn't done anything wrong.

So why does Hinata seem so sad?

His eyes don't sparkle, his hands don't shake with excitement, and his lips don't turn upwards in the slightest. Kageyama hands start to shake.

What if his sets aren't good enough anymore for Hinata? What if he's bored with Kageyama? What if all this time and effort towards being a better teammate is for nothing? What if... What if there's no one there to spike his sets.? Just like before. Kageyama's breath starts to speed up.

He shakes his head, stopping his anxious thoughts. If Hinata is bored with his sets he'll just make them faster and better. But Hinata hits them with ease. And he hits them almost as hard as Asahi.

'He can do just fine without me...' Kageyama thinks as he sets volleyball after volleyball.

His heart aches for the rest of the day.


Yachi had a knack of figuring out what's wrong with the team without having to be told. But anybody with half a brain can tell that something was wrong with Hinata. Something very wrong if it made the bundle of joy look like he was on the verge of tears for an entire week.

The mood of Hinata slowly crept like fog until it encased everyone in a sense of carefulness. No one would dare talk to Hinata. Of course at the beginning everyone at least asked him what was wrong but he would respond with the timeless, "I didn't get enough sleep last night..." But as the week wore on people became scared to talk to him. As if their words, however soft, would break the small, fragile boy. They were scared to pick up the sharp glass pieces that were left behind. Scared to have blood on their fingertips.

Everyone knew who was the cause. That was evident. But no one knew what was the cause. And Yachi was done tiptoeing around the subject. She was going to force Hinata to tell her what was wrong.

After practice that evening she waited outside the gym door. She was going to stop Hinata and ask him what happened once everyone was out of earshot. The Karasuno team started to file out, Kageyama alone leading the pact. He also was someone no one talked to. He acted like a land mine that was about to burst into anger and anxiety. He stomped himself into the cool night.

But when seemingly the whole team was out, Hinata was nowhere to be seen. Sugawara and Daichi were the last ones out. They were whispering with pained expressions on their faces.

"Daichi? Is Hinata still in there?" Yachi quietly asked.

"Uh yeah. He said he had... something to do," Daichi whispered.

"Ah okay. I'm going to go check on him," Yachi said. Before she could go in Sugawara grabbed her by the arm lightly.

"Be kind with him," Sugawara pleaded.

"Of course," Yachi smiled.


"Was it okay to let Yachi go in there?"Daichi asked.

"I think she knows Hinata better than anyone on the team. When all you can do is watch you learn more than anyone else," Sugawara whispered.

Daichi grabbed Sugawara's hand and squeezed it lightly.


There were no lights in the gym except for the moonlight the drifted through the windows. From the corner of Yachi's eye she could see that the locker room light was still on, light drifting through the space beneath the door. As soon as she noticed it, it went off. She slowly made her way over to the door.

As she got closer the sound got louder. The noise rang loud in her ears. Her heartbeat skyrocketed with every step she took. She slowly opened the door. The sobs of "Kageyama" and the sniffles becoming much louder.

Yachi felt tears quickly form in her own eyes as she saw that her bright sun was covered in dark, heavy clouds. She slowly stepped into the dark, sad room and slowly closed the door behind her. She stumbles her way into the dark towards Hinata and his tears. When she found him she instantly took his hand. The way he did when he lead her to her mother. The way he did when he ultimately changed her. The way he did when she fell for him hard and fast.

She stayed like that for a while until the sobs got louder. She then wrapped her arms around the small, shaking frame of the boy she admired and loved so much.

She didn't ask. She didn't need to know. All she needed to know was that he was in pain and she was going to help. Her arms tightened around Hinata.

She would gladly pick up the sharp, glass pieces. The pain of sliced fingers was probably nothing to the pain Hinata was feeling.


I know I said I was going to update this sooner I am so sorry. BUT I'm really happy with this chapter so I'm glad I took my time.

Also yeah. The thing Noya and Tanaka hid was pictures of Suga and Daichi being reaaaaallllllly close to each other 😏😏😏

They sell the pictures to girls around the school....

~Relationship Goals~ (A KageHina Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now