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She was ecstatic.

As Yachi and Hinata left the gym after practice they quickly realized it was a wonderful day out.

The orange rays from the sun bled trough the pink sky, creating a burning pastel horizon. Wind was quietly whispering through the midday.

"Hey, hey Yachi. Wouldn't this be the best time to take a selfie?" Hinata exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh! That's a good idea!" Yachi said as she took out her phone.

"I got it this time. Come over here," Hinata smiled as he wrapped his arm over Yachi shoulders and brought her closer to him.

And Yachi exploded. Color erupted onto her face, spreading to her ears. Her heart was beating out her chest. She willed herself to calm down, scared that Hinata might hear.

She was so, so happy.

"Ready? Cheese!" Hinata exclaimed, his arm stretched out and finger on the phone's shutter button.

Yachi stared at Hinata's glowing and way too close face. His eyes were closed. His smile was as big and bright as when he got to spike. Color was lightly painted on his cheeks. Yachi clutched at her chest. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized that she was the one who made Hinata look like that this time.

"Okay done! Let's see what the pic looked like- Huh? Yachi?!" Hinata exclaimed as Yachi quickly took the phone out of his hand.

"I blinked!!! The sun got in my eye so the picture was probably awful," Yachi quickly explained as she tightly clutched her phone to her chest.

"Pfffft, Yachi that doesn't matter! Lemme see!" Hinata said as he rushed toward Yachi.

Yachi started running away giggling and yelling. Hinata ran after her laughing, trying to get the phone. He didn't even realize until he ran into Yachi that she had stopped running.

"Hey, Yachi, why'd you sto- oh," Hinata gasped as he saw who was waiting at the gate.

Kageyama leaned against the wall. His eyes glued to the pair.

Hinata swallowed. His heart hurt, ached, skyrocketed, skipped a beat, and stopped all at the same time. Because Kageyama was magnificent.

"Y-Yachi, I'll catch up with you," Hinata breathed.

Yachi stayed staring at Hinata whose eyes were locked into Kageyama. She then put her hand on Hinata's arm. His eyes slowly tore away from Kageyama and moved to look into Yachi's eyes. Yachi looked at Kageyama. Kageyama's head quickly bent down, his feet kicking at pebbles.

"Okay, I will. Just remember... I'm here for you," Yachi whispers as she gently pats Hinata's arm.

She waves goodbye as she leaves, her hand shaking, smile slipping. She politely bows toward Kageyama as she passes him and he politely does the same.

As she keeps walking she takes out her phone. The picture she and Hinata took  was there as the first thing her phone opened to.

The sky behind them was a peach. And dark trees surrounded the photo almost as if they were a frame. Yachi's hair was blown into her face, but it couldn't hide the red covering her face. Her hand was clasped at her chest. Her eyes were bright and amazed yet sad. And Hinata, well, he was spectacular. But even his brightness was drowned out by Yachi's beauty. She looked brilliant.

And heart achingly in love.

Yachi looked behind her at the boys standing, facing each other and wind blowing their hair and clothes. She looked back at her phone.


As she walked home the wind made her cold. But the tears running down her cheeks helped warm her up a bit.

   ~The picture has now been deleted~


Hi! This might be the last chapter for a while. I have summer homework I need to start on ehehe... But once I finish it I'll be back!!

And yeah. I honestly really like Hinata and Yachi as a ship 😙😙

Again sorry for the, pretty great if I have to to say, cliffhanger.

~Relationship Goals~ (A KageHina Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now