chapter 37 - playdate/house hunting

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Spencer's pov

Today Toby is working so it's just me and the kids. Since we have nothing going on, I though I'd ask Emily to bring the kids over since Ali has work today too.

I'm 4 months pregnant now and I can't wait for another baby. The kids are really excited too.

At 11:30 the doorbell rings. Zoe opens it and let's Emily and the kids inside.

Tyler plays with Griffin, Zoe and Tiff play together, Bailey and Isabel play together, and Xavier plays with Thomas and Liam. Quinn stays with me and Emily since she's only around 4 months old.

"Can I hold Quinn?" I ask

"Of course. You gotta get back into the baby groove." Emily says

"Yeah, I can't wait til we have another baby in the house." I say

"Speaking of houses, are you guys going to get a new one, or have some of the kids share a room?" Emily asks

"Toby and I have talked about this but we aren't sure yet. We'll talk with the kids and see what they think. If we didn't move, we would most likely have Tommy and Liam share a room." I explain

Quinn starts crying so Emily changes her diaper and feeds her. I can't wait til I can have my own baby again.

"So are you guys gonna find out the gender?" Emily asks

"Yes, at our next appointment which is next week!" I tell her

"That's exciting!" She says

"Yeah. Are you guys gonna adopt again do you think?" I ask her

"Im not sure, we haven't really talked about it. If we did, it wouldn't be til Quinn is a little older." Emily says

"That makes sense." I say

I hear yelling followed by crying so we run upstairs to see what's happening. I see Bailey crying at the door of Tiff's room.

"Bailey what happened?" I sit down by her and she sits on my lap

"Tiff was being mean to me and Isabel." She says and continues crying

"What did she do?" I ask

"She wouldn't let us play with her and Zoe." Bailey says

"Is that true Isabel?" Emily asks her and she nods her head

"Let's go and talk with them" I say and we go into Tiff's room

"Tiff, Zoe, did you two not let Bailey and Isabel play with you?" I ask them

"We didn't want them too! We're doing big girl things and they're little girls" Tiff says

"Tiff, be nice. Zoe, you're the oldest, you need to be responsible and be nice to you siblings and guests." I tell them

"We're sorry mommy." Zoe says

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Bailey and Isabel." I say

"Im sorry for yelling at you." Tiff says and let's them in her room

"Come sit over here and play with us." I hear Zoe say as we walk down the stairs.

"I'm gonna go check on the boys." I say since they're all outside.

All 5 boys are having a water gun fight and running around with Cheerio and Cinnamon. They seem to be fine.

A few hours later Emily and the kids have to go so we say our goodbyes as they leave. Soon after that Toby comes home.

"Toby can we talk in private?" I ask him

"Yeah, let's go into the kitchen." He says

"So we need to talk about the house situation. Do we move or have TJ and Liam share a room?" I ask

"If you're asking my honest opinion, I think we should move into a bigger better house. We have enough money for it, we can find the perfect house." He says

"Ok, I agree." I say

"We should make a list of everything we want/need." He suggests

"Good idea. So I was thinking at least 9 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms." I say

"Yep. Huge backyard with a pool and room for a trampoline and a play set." He says

"That sounds like the perfect house." I say

"Now let's just look it up online." Toby says and goes to a house selling website. He types on what on our list and it gives us 3 options.

Option 1: 8 bedrooms. 6 bathrooms. 4 floors. Medium-sized backyard. Noisy from traffic. Way overpriced.

"I don't think option 1 is for us." I say

"Agreed" Toby says

Option 2: 9 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. 2 floors. Big backyard. Crime neighborhood. Good price.

"It seem ok except for the lack of bathrooms and the amount of crime." Toby says

"Yeah, let's look at the last one." I say

Option 3: 10 bedrooms. 6 bathrooms. 3 floors. Huge backyard. Friendly neighborhood. Location near friends/family. Really good price.

"I think we found the dream house." I say

"Yes we did." Toby says and we kiss

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