Well.. I'll Have to Try

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Sorry it's been so long..

Louis was already about two months along, he didn't have a baby belly or anything, but Harry still cooed over the teeny tiny tummy he had. It was like his usual tummy, just harder.

"Baby.. So cute.. Just like your mummy.." He stated quietly one morning as louis laid on his back, yawning sleepily still. He glanced towards Harry.

"Hazzie, don't you go and discuss with Niall today about everything?.." Louis asked him softly after a moment, pulling his sweater back over his bump.

"Yes.. That's today.." He replied as he shrugged a bit and rubbed over Louis' belly again. "It'll be fun, of course." He stated again.

Louis nodded his head slowly. "I just.. Hmm.. Part of me feels bad, but I also don't. I'm quite great and you're amazing, and I'm just glad you're mine." He stated quietly as he shrugged then.

"At least ni and I didn't have any kids." He reminded Louis, Louis nodded his head because that was a fair point.

"I should probably get going so I can get this over with." He pecked Louis' lips as he went to get up, getting changed and ready to head over to his old house. He went to kiss Louis and murmur quiet 'I love you's' again, before he went to leave.

With Niall

Harry sighed to himself as he sat at the dining room table with his soon to be ex husband. "Harry."
Niall snapped his fingers in Harry's face to get his attention.
"What is it Niall?"

Once Niall finally had the curly head's attention he rolled his eyes. "Hazzie. I would like to try couple's counseling. Please? I don't want to lose you.." He said then.
Sure, he knew he has already lost him.. But it was worth a shot, wasn't it?

"Niall. I already told you I didn't want this." He stated simply as hE rolled his eyes.

"Please, Harry I will beg you. I want to fix this." He said quickly then.

"What about Louis then?" Harry asked after a moment.
"What about him?" Niall repeated as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"He's having my baby, and I don't really want to leave him.."
"Niall, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, I just really care about Louis.. And he is having my baby! That's my baby, I have to be there for him and the baby, y'know.." He stated as he stared at Niall..
"Harry, I just want you. And I can't have you dating someone else while we're married! Or having a fucking child with someone else! This just.. Harry.."
"Niall, I already said I'm not gonna drop Louis.."
Niall's eyes watered up. "If you really care about me, you'll come to the couple's counseling session in a week.." He handed him the paper with all the information.
"Hmm.. Okay Niall.." He replied quietly as he watched his, maybe not so soon to be ex stand up. "I'm falling Zayn and he's coming to get me."
"Zayn? Who's he?"
"A guy I met. If you're gonna have Louis, I'll have Zayn.." He stated simply, going to head off and leave then.

Harry watched him walk off quietly with a frown, why did that bother him? He cheated first..
He was about to walk out behind Niall when Niall turned to him.

"Do you actually want to make this work? Because if so, please try.. I really love you.."
"I love you too Niall.. I'll have to try."
And with that they went with their own boys.
Harry to Louis, who was still laid in bed and cooing over his tiny tummy. Then they took a bath later that night together.
Niall to Zayn, who just cuddled Niall all night, while he cried about Harry..
Look I finally updated ^-^
Sorry that took so long!! But here you go~ sorry it's so short also.. I'll try to make them longer from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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