Chapter I : First Day @ Highschool

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It was my first day on highschool.Many things are bothering me.

" Will I Have Friends?"," Are There Students That Hates Japanese?(The Main Character Is A Japanese Girl) ",Are There Bullies In Here?" . Those thoughts are running around my mind.

I was walking at the hallway finding my classroom." 106,107,108" . " ugh!there are still so many rooms to count." I sighed because my room was 125.

Just then a boy was running and hit my shoulder." Oh,I'm so sorry, I wasnt looking." The boy apologized. 

He was a browned-eye boy with black hair (I think he was sort of chinese or half). " You look lost,can I help you?" he asked picking those books that fell when he hit me.

" Umm I'm Okay" Trying to be fully okay (but I'm not,I'm lost). " No your not okay ,what is your classroom number? I think I can help you I'm pretty familiar with this place." 

" Umm,125" I answered shyly.

" Really?? we're in the same room!" He exclaimed. " Whats your name?I'm Daniel Young" . He Inroduced himself with a grinny smile and shaked my hand.

"I'm Kumiko Takahashi,Miko" I answered politely with a warming smile. " can we proceed to our classroom??" I asked politely as I let go of his hand.

" Sure, come on. I know your excited for your 1st day." He Agreed.

" Daniel!!", a boy shouted as we entered our room. " Hey how are you my man?"  cried Daniel as he taps the back of his friend.

" I cant imagine we're highschool now." added Daniel as he offered me a seat.

" sit here beside me so that I can know you more and you can know me too."Daniel showed me the seat as with a nice smile.

" Hey danny boy ,you're a very wise little man."His friend interruped.

" why whats the matter?? I didint graduated as Valedictorian right?" Daniel asked curiosly.

" its just you already met a chic on the first day". The boy quipped as Daniel looked at me shyly.

" Hi japanese girl,I'm Aaron,Me and Daniel graduated on the same school." Said Aaron cheerfully.

" Call me Miko"  I said with a sweet smile " well I think the teacher is here any minute now.lets go back to our seats." I added.

A F T E R    C L A S S

Right after class I went to study at the hallway window tha faces the field. I like to hangout there because the air is so fresh.

" KUMIKO!!" a boy tickled my at the side of  my hips.

" Aaahh" I shrieked as I turned back and found out that it was " Daniel!! dont tickle me like that again" I demanded.

" I'm sorry Ms. Takahashi I wont do it again!." Daniel apologized .

" wait,who is the name of that boy?" Daniel asked pointing to a japanese boy at the window not far away.

" Umm, I dont know, why dont you ask him.". I suggested as I turned back against the window. " Oh really? I'll ask him if you two are good friends." said Daniel. 

" No!! I'll tell you just please dont ask him about me,I beg you." I pleaded as I pulled his arm from going to the field.

"Why?Do you and that boy has connections?I saw you staring at him"  he said

" Unfortunately Yes"  I replied. " Then why dont you want me to ask him about you? "  he asked.

" Well you see. I have a big crush on him,his name is Kazaki Toshiyama.They often call him Zak." I explained.

" But I dont think he recognize me the same way I feel for him." I added.

" What?? he dosent like you??" he grumbled as he pulled me up to stand.

" how can he dont like a " kawaii" (cute in japanese) girl as you?!" he added.

" nevermind him,if he notices well thats very good but if then its fine,there are so many boys there." I gigled.

" Thats correct I will let you meet many boys,more handsome than him." . He said cheering me up.

When I arrived home my father asked me "how are things going at your new school? I know you coudn't  addopt well yet."

"its okay father" I answered.  Just then I heard a beep from my phone

B E E P !!


From: Daniel Young

Message : 

Hey! What are you doing there?? Still cant get off that boy Zak in your mind? If you need some company, I'm here . XD

That was the message I recieved from Daniel.

after that message,I felt a nice feeling that after all,even though I'm a japanese not an american still others wants to be friends with me.

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