Chapter 3

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*Jason McCann's POV*

He smiled at me devilishly. I knew what was to come, surely another beating. My "father".

I hated the man. He hated me.

He abused of me almost everyday. I was his prisoner.

I remember my mom and I running away from him. He had always abused of her. He promised he would come back and hurt us. And we both feared for that day to come.

My mother had always kept me in hiding. Once in a while she would go out to get her mind off of things. And one night she never came back.

The police came that night to my door. My babysitter answered the door. After hearing the news she started crying to me saying she was sorry.

Although I still didn't understand why. I just wanted my mother back.

Her sudden death made my aunt agree to care for me. She treated me with so much love like one of her own sons.

It had been almost been 9 months without my mother and me living in my aunts house in canada.

Then he came one night.

I remember that night perfectly clear. It was a few months ago that he came to my room.


I could've never known he was already awaiting in my room if not for the shadow he cast.

I had tried to run back out of the room and scream for help. But he stifled my cries with a rag. I still remember his exact words.

"I told you I would come back for you no matter where you run. I will always find you".

He dragged me out of my window and into the car trunk. I stayed back there for what seem like forever.

Until the car had stopped.

He had blind folded me. So I couldn't quite see where he had taken me. He would beat me senselessly saying that my mother had turned me weak.

That I was a disgrace to his blood.

That he would do the honors of making me strong again.

He made me face everyone of my fears. He said that I was never to be scared on the job.

His gang members would each train me in knife throwing and in self-defense everyday. Different and various types of fighting. They taught me to shoot a gun as well.

Of course somone might think that he was being thoughtful. That he was taking precautions in my safety and well being.

But that was the opposite of everything in the matter.

He wanted me to join his gang. To be his full time bodyguard. And if he could gain my trust that he would leave me in charge.

He cared only for his damn business. Never for me.

He needed someone strong to keep his position. And everytime I made a small mistake he would beat me.

Only haunted memories to me now.

He told me one day that my mother was killed by a girl he was so obsessively seeking to eliminate. I understood why he wanted to kill her I did too.

But, I couldn't stop and doubt once in a while how someone so young like me could possibly kill someone.

I came back out of my thoughts when I was knocked down and continously kicked by him. It hurt like hell yes but, I was getting used to it by now.

I would not cry.

I used to cry out because I was scared and in pain. But he would find some other way to make it more painful if I cried out. So I lay on the ground silently until he was done.

Quieting my grunts and gasps.

I was 6 years old at the time but, I had already planned on escaping this place.

His gang members made sure I ate everyday. They wouldn't allow me to starve myself. So i forcefully ate. Although I would've wished that I would I have died.

I remember her. Not her name though. She cried in sympathy to what would happen to me if I didn't escape she said she would help me. She said that she would find the perfect timing to get me out of this hellhole.

And she did.

She came running to my cell that night. She shook me so hard I stood up straight to my feet even if I was sleeping just a few seconds ago. She dragged me to the now unlocked vault doors that had locked me in for so long.

I ran with her through the forest only for 2 miles before she handed me a backpack saying it had all that I needed to survive for a week. She gave me the direction to travel.

It would take me 4 or 5 days, at least she said it would take that long to reach civilization. She said if I lost the direction to follow the direction where the sun was setting.

She wished me luck and ran back. I was alone yet again. I'll admit it I was scared.

But I started for I kew if I let fear get the best of me I would be back where I had started. In the cell.

I traveled only stopping once in a while to eat some crackers and water that were packed in my backpack. Rest in hidden places just in case he was close.

I was traumatized.

I couldn't stop because I was still afraid that he would come after me again. I had to get to safety.

I had already walked for 3 days in dense forest. I was tired but I wouldn't stop. Not now. Because every second counted as step ahead of them.

Then I saw it...

On the horizon I could make out a bright light aura. I looked closer to see if I could possibly be hallucinating. But, no I wasnt. It was a city.

I exhaled deeply. A big wave of relief hit me at that moment.

I was going to be okay.

Away from him. I would get my revenge of course. I would kill that man that had tortured me. And the girl that killed my mother. It would take time yes but I was willing to get to the top one step at a time.

I would not stop until both of them were dead.

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