Chapter 2: First Day Of School

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                             *beep* *beep* "SHUT UP!" I turned off the alarm. "Ugggg my first day at the new high school" I whined.

              I got up and found out that I had to wear a uniform to school. I felt like I was being dieing! The girl's uniform was a grey skirt and a blue top. I thought that it was not fair that I had to wear it! But, I put it on, and ate breakfast.

      "How's your egg's and bacon sweetie?" My aunt asked me with a huge smile on her face.

         "Their good. Can I walk to school now please? I asked.

           "Yes. Don't forget your Backpack! Bye!" she yelled still with a huge smile on her face.

             "Bye!" i said and started to walk to school.


                    It took me 15 minute's to walk to school, which is not that long honestly. Iv'e walked longer. The school was a shade of pretty white with shiny windows---- the school looked brand new, even though it was about 20 years old I think. I was about to walk in to till I was pushed to the wall by a girl that did not look to happy.

             "You don't belong here! I can already tell that you are a loser!" she said rudely. 

               "I know that you are but what am I?" I joked.

                 "Arggg you'll never be popular hmmpphh!" she growled. 

                     "Like I care! Let go of me now! Or else!" I snapped

                     "Or.Else.What?" she asked

                    "I'm going to slap you! Really hard! And I mean REALLY hard!" I yelled.

                  "Eeeekk!" she let go of me and ran away.

                         "What a scaredy cat! Ha!" I laughed then walked into the school and went to the office.


                            I walked into the office and saw the boy that I bumped into yesterday on my walk.

                           "Hello! What do you need?" a office person asked.

                            "Well first of all i'm new. And second of all I came here to get my schedule and my tour of the school." I said.

                 "What's your first and last name?" the office person asked me.

                 "My first name is Skylar and my last name is Sionie." I clearly stated.

                   "Oh your the one that lost some family.... sorry for your losses! And here's your schedule and your tour guide will be Jacob over there." the office person pointed to him.

                     "H- oh it's you from yesterday." he said disappointed.

                     "You don't have to sound so disappointed!" I snapped. "It's not my fault that I have to go here!"

                 "Whatever. Lets just go." he said.

                We walked around the whole school then went to the last place I needed to go----which was my locker. After he showed me my locker he left. Then I opened my locker and put everything into it that needed to be in it-------after that the bell rang and I looked at my schedule and saw that I had art! YAY!

      "Hello students! Today we have a new kid! Come to the front of the room and introduce yourself to to the class!" Mr.Harris said.

      "Okay." I said and walked to the front of the room. "I-i'm S-skylar. I moved here f-from somewhere really far from here."

       "Nice to meet you Skylar! Now sit by hhmmm Tyler!" Mr.Harris said to me and pointed to Tyler.

                                  I went and sat by him. And he said something pretty well.....weird and odd to me.

                        "Hi hotty! My names Tyler!" he said with a smirk on his face.

                 "W-what did you just call me?!" I said suprised.

                   "I called you hotty!" he repeated.


                                                 Author's  Note:

Hello guy's! I hope you guy's loved this chapter! I worked REALLY hard on this one! It took me about almost 2 hours I think! Chapter 3 might be on today as well! Only if I feel like typing anymore because my finger's kinda hurt and I gotta check my youtube and stuff like that!  


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