Chapter 9: The People

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   After I was ready I started to walk to school. Half way there someone bumped it to me - WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS BUMP INTO ME?!- Ugghh it was a girl with white hair.
At least it's not another boy.

"Dudududu" bumps into me " oops sorry! I was spaced off." she said.

"Its fine" I said lying trying to keep in my anger. "Whys your hair fricking white?" I asked.

" I wanted to dye it a couple years ago." she said plainly. "I'm millie"

"I'm Skylar. " i said trying to walk away but Millie said something.

" Hmm I think my friends mentioned you." she said and walked away.

Well that was weird. But I don't care. I walked the rest of the way to school.

*at school*
Okay I need to go to my locker. When I walked over to my locker somebody was waiting for me.

"Ugghhh why do I have to deal with him!" I said trying to open my locker.

"Shut up! I'm only here to- WAIT your not skylar!" Tyler said.

"I am Skylar you dumbass! I'm just wearing contacts!" I said annoyed.

"Ohhh well I'm here to ask you a question!" Tyler said.

"What is it?" I siad.

"Well do you wanna go on a date with me?" he said and winked at me.

My reaction was fast, I automatically slapped him, said no, then walked away.

               *at math class*
     "Whhhhhyyyyyy do I have to have math today uuggghhhhh" I wispored to myself. So it turns out that I have the same math class as the kid from last night umm.... I think his name was Oliver? Yeah Oliver. And sadly I have to sit by him.

        When class was half way over I was sure that he did not know it was me till...... He said my name SH*T! HOW DID HE REMEBER?? UGGHH
(*note from the real Skylar or Sky: pretend that I told him my name because I forgot to add that last chapter/episode)

       "Ello sky..... Skylar? Come on! We have to do a team assignment" Oliver said.

       "Whyyyy ugh I don't want to talk to you! But I will only talk to you because I have to hmpf" I responded.

       "Okay... Hmmm" Oliver said. *what Oliver is thinking* Hmmm how can I get her to actually want to talk to me hmm *end of his thinking*

           "Come on lets just get this over with!" i said to him.

        *after class in the hall way*
    "Heeyyyyyy Skylar" Jacob said.

     I rolled my eyes "What do you want Jacob?" I asked.
       "Nothing, i just want to talk to you about something." he said.

       "Umm what do you want to talk to me about?" I responded.

          "Well it's actually a question. Do you want to go to a party with me tonight?" he asked (btw it's Friday because I started on Thursday)

           "Why?" I said
            "Why not?" he said smiling.

            "Whatever, I'll go just because I have nothing better to do, not because I actually want to go." I said not lieing.

          "YYAAAAYYY" he yelled then ran off quickly.

       *author talking: don't ask why I'm adding the party, I just ran out of stuff to write and I promised people that I will make this one really long*

                       *at lunch*
          *i love lunch- author*

    "Is there anything good today?" I asked my self then saw..... CHINESE FOOD YAY!! Wait a minute! Since when did schools have CHINESE food? Welp I'm hungry soooo I got my food and sat down at my lovely lonely table that I now love.

      "Heyyyyyy Skylar" Holly said. *author: I based what holly said off of what she she's when I talk to her btw holly is Aarmau Alliance*

       "Hi Sky" Tara said.

        "Hi people I met yesterday that I basically don't even know." I said.

        "Haha very funny" holly said.

      "So you guys want to go to a party tonight?" I asked.

         "Yeah sound fabulous" holly said.
        "Sure sound fun" Tara said.

         "Whyyyyyy uggghhhh" I whined.

     "Are you whining because you can't handle my hotness?" Tyler said.
       "For 1 that made no sense at all and For 2 your not hot." I responded

        Lunch ended, then the school day ended. I went home did my homework, then got ready...




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