Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As we flew out over the styx, I couldn't help but wonder if this was all worth it, risking my life, risking Mavis's life, all for a stupid blessing that may not even work. I'm sure the people at camp thought we were dead by now, it'd been over a month. Either way, it's already said and done, the exit of the cavern wasn't much farther ahead, then it was the cross country trek back to camp. I wondered if the chosen 7 were back with Athena parthenos, if they'd even been able find it. My inner turmoil was interrupted by Mavis shouting over the wind, "When we get back I am going to KILL you, what were you thinking? I'm your best friend, you could have told me!" I gritted my teeth and shouted back "Oh yea, you make it sound so easy! Besides, it's MY business not yours!" I waited for a reply that never came, she could be so stubborn! I needed this, she didn't have to come, I didn't force her! As we exited the cavern and back onto the surface I couldn't help but smile, I hadn't seen the sun in a few days, I loved the sun, in more ways than one. I'd met Apollo when I was only 13, he had a perfect tan, tousled brown hair, warm and glowing, simply gorgeous, and I'd fallen for him. It was stupid and unrealistic and dangerous but I had no choice in the matter I suppose. I looked down towards the ground, Gaea lurked ominously beneath there somewhere, waiting, watching. I couldn't believe that she knew, it was one of my many dark secrets, but I hadn't told anyone, not even Mavis. "Hey Alex we should land for the night, it's getting late and it's not safe to fly at night." Mavis said I nodded and turned towards the small town below us, I needed rest and so did she. I payed for our rooms and headed off to mine, I left Kaledtops out in a pasture with a few cows for tonight, I then headed off to bed.


I opened my eyes groggily and sat up, I looked at the clock and it read 7:40 AM. After I showered I headed next door to Mavis's room and knocked "Hey Mav you up? We gotta go." After a few minutes of waiting she stepped outside, her eyes were red rimmed and tears stained her cheeks, she let out a small cry and spoke "I got word from camp, Annabeth and Percy fell into tartarus." My eyes widened and I stood silent, Annabeth was Mavis's sister, I couldn't even imagine what she was going through. After a few minutes of tense silence I spoke, "Mav I have no idea how tough this is for you, but now more than ever it's imperative we get back and help out." I waited about three minutes before she nodded silently. As we walked towards the cow field, when the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, something was coming. I drew my twin daggers and stood in position, Mavis's hands caught flame as a deep laugh resonated through the air, "Welcome to the snake's den, Demigods. I was feeling rather hungry today." Before I could react a 50 foot long snake shot out of the bush, "Mavis take the left side, get it from behind!" I shouted. I took a sharp step left and back and hurled my dagger right hand into his eye, "HYYASSSS You fool!" I let out a sharp whistle and darted in front of him "Hey you oversized worm over here!" I taunted. He turned in my direction and I shouted "MAVIS NOW!" I watched as she yanked a chain around his neck and pulled his head back, I darted forward and slit his throat. His body quickly went limp and turned into a pile of yellowish sand, Mavis looked up at me and grinned "That was awesome! We kicked his butt!" I laughed and began the walk towards Kal, "You know, we could always shadow travel back." I suggested, she nodded at me and said "Well we still have to grab Kal" I smiled then got on his back and helped Mav on, "Even though we fought, I had fun." I declared, "Me too." Mavis agreed. I then threw a shadow stone down and headed into the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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