Chapter 25

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey (Y/n)." I turned around. Tears filled my eyes.
"You...came back." I ran up and hugged them.
"I missed you guys!" They smiled.
"It's nice to see you again," Loewen said.
"But what were you guys doing there for a year?"
"Well, Rem here had a fight with his father and it didn't end until now," Urie replied.
"With uncle? What about?"
"You," Rem-nii replied.
"He's now the head of the Arnold family," Shiki exclaimed.
"Did uncle...pass away?"
"I guess you could call it that," Mage replied.
"I defeated him in order to save you," said Rem-nii.
"We did it for you, little butterfly. He said that he no longer needed you in his family and planned to have you killed. Rem just gained the 'privilege' of becoming the head of the Arnold family to save you," Urie explained.
"Oh... Thank you...thank you so much!" Tears slid down my cheeks. Shiki handed me a handkerchief.
"You guys came back and saved me yet again."
"Anything for our sister," Mage replied.
"Well, I'll see you later," Loewen said and disappeared.
"Are you guys staying?"
"We're not going anywhere," Rem-nii answered.
"Yay! You guys can stay the night." Rem-nii sighed. I giggled.
"Come on, Rem-nii. They're your friends."
"I'm not sure the word 'friends' would ever pass his lips," Urie exclaimed.
"Who cares? As long he thinks that deep down." I pulled them inside.
"Miss (Y/n), dinner is prepared," (butler name) told me.
"Would there be enough for all of them?" He smiled and nodded. They just stood there.
"Come on guys! It's food." They laughed and followed me to the dining hall.

~After dinner~

I showed everyone their rooms then went to mine. Someone knocked on my window. *sigh* What is it now? I opened the balcony window and saw Lindo. He smiled at me.

"Hey Lindo, what are you doing here?"
"I guess they're all back. I came because I said that I would never leave your side." I laughed.
"You always say that." He sat down on at my desk while I sat on my comfy bed. Urie opened the door.
"Hey (Y/n)-" He started but stopped when he saw Lindo.
"Lindo, just wait a sec. Do you mind if I talk to him?"
"No, I don't mind," he replied with a smile. I went outside with Urie.
"Do you still have those little roses I gave you?" he asked. I nodded.
"Bring them and Lindo if you want. I have something to show you." I went back inside and grabbed the little jar of roses.
"Do you want to come?"
"Where?" Lindo asked.
"I'm not sure, Urie's taking us."

He shrugged and nodded. I smiled and opened the door. We followed him to Rem-nii's room. He was at his desk doing some stuff. We opened the door a tiny bit.

"Give me the roses," Urie whispered.

I passed them to him. He smashed them on the ground. Rem turned around but he didn't see us. The roses turned back to their normal size and spread across his room. When it stopped, we could clearly see a picture of Ritsuka.

"Cooool-" I quickly covered my mouth. Rem opened the door.
"Um...hi Rem-nii?"
"Why did you guys do that?" he asked.
"Ask Urie." But he had disappeared.
"Urie! Get back here right now!" Rem just sighed and closed the door. Lindo laughed.
"Is it always like this with you guys?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. We went back to my room but Mage was there.
"What now?"
"Where's the slab of wood I gave you?" he asked while casually lazing on my bed. I took it out.
"Now get off my bed."
"Come with me."

He teleported away. I grabbed Lindo's hand and followed (by teleporting as well). We arrived in the garden that was directly in front of Rem-nii's window.

"Give me the wood." I gave it to him. He threw it on the ground and used lightning to burn it.
"Shoot ice at it." I did as he told me. Suddenly, the slab turned into a beautiful cherry blossom tree. My eyes widened in awe.
"Can you decorate it?" Mage asked.

My nails grew long/sharp and in a few seconds, I was done. I had written something about Rem-nii and Ritsuka. Lindo threw a rock at his window. Mage carried me and floated up. Lindo hid behind a bush.

Rem opened the window and looked at the tree then smiled. Mage's grip loosened on me but he quickly held me close. Rem looked up and sighed then went back inside. Seriously, he should just say that they were friends.

Mage dropped me but Lindo caught me. He disappeared. I teleported us back to my room. Shiki was here. Knew it.

"Let me guess, you want the flower of feathers?"

He smiled and nodded. I got it. We followed him to the rooftop. I gave it to him. He crunched it up and blew. The feathers turned into (favourite bird). It had a note in its beak.

But it didn't look like an ordinary bird. It had this majestic aura around it. It flew into Rem-nii's room. We peeked inside from the window. I could tell that the note had something to do with Ritsuka or something because he blushed slightly. I giggled. We went back to my room. I yawned.

"Tired?" Lindo asked. I nodded. I lay down on my bed then he wrapped his arms around me.
"Good night (Y/n). you..."
"*blush* I love you too." We fell asleep.

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