Chapter 18

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Author Note:

Hey everyone! I had a problem with my laptop, that's why I couldn't upload the last weeks. 'M really sorry, school stresses too. I hope that you're still reading and enjoying this though. This chapter contains much direct speech but I guess that's okay. Tell me if you find mistakes yeah? Lots of love xx

After I pulled on the clothes Harry brought me I examined myself in the mirror and tried to form my opinion on the outfit. Well, I looked like a whore to be honest.

It wasn’t really something I didn’t expect so I just shook my head with a laugh and started with my makeup. I tried to set the focus on my eyes and make a feature of them with dark eye shadow and a thicker eyeliner line. In the end I still looked like a slut but well, I had to live with that. It was just for today I told myself over and over again, trying to calm down a bit. When I thought I was ready I moved to the door and slightly opened it, peeking out to see if I could spot Harry and yes, he was sitting on the couch in the living area, probably watching TV.

"Harry?" I called out for him so he would turn his head towards me.

Harry's mouth dropped open when his eyes fell on me and he just seemed to stare without saying anything.

"Is it really that bad..?" I asked quietly, looking down my body.

"N-No, it's..." Harry gulped and got up, stepping closer to me.

"To be honest, you look hot. Very hot." He hummed, making me blush.

"But I look like a slut..."

"A little." Harry chuckled and placed his large hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him.

"It's only for today, yeah? Don't worry." He whispered and leaned our foreheads together, what somehow calmed me.

"Thank you..." I whispered back, resting my hands on Harry's strong chest.

“Don’t say that.”


“’Thank you’.” Harry repeated, leaving me a little confused.

“O…kay?” I chuckled quietly and just nuzzled my head into Harry’s chest, inhaling his scent.

Harry smiled softly and wrapped his arms around my body, holding me close. He placed a few small kisses on my head before I pulled back.

“When will he be here?” I asked, talking about Louis.

Harry looked down at his watch. “In one hour I guess.”

I nodded and pulled back from Harry, scratching my arm nervously.

“I’ll go in my room then…” I whispered and gave Harry a small smile before turning around and walking back to where I came from.

I sighed softly but so quiet that Harry couldn’t hear it and closed the door behind me with one last glance at the boy. The door closed in silence and afterwards I stayed right there, leaning my forehead against the wood with my eyes closed. It wasn’t that I was sad or something because I had to act like getting sold, it was just that I was worried that everything would get busted. Probably I worried too much but that was just who I am.

Suddenly my thoughts got interrupted by someone opening the door, making me fall forward since I was steadying myself on it. Gladly, I fell into Harry’s strong arms which immediately caught me.

“H-Hi.” I mumbled, looking up at the curly haired boy who was staring back down at me.

“Are you okay..?” He asked softly, making my heart beat faster.

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