The Story

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This chapter is all about Friends that aired in 1994. I will be explaining the key points that happened in the show and it might go as long as two chapters. After the one or two chapters, I will explain my story and write what had happened till now in the story.

It started off as only five friends: Monica, Chandler, Ross, Joey and Phoebe. Monica and Ross are siblings. Chandler is Ross's best friend. Joey is Chandler's roommate and how they met Phoebe is unknown to human-kind. Rachel was Monica's best friend, but they had drifted apart. Rachel became part of the squad when she ran out of her wedding because she didn't love him (Barry). She came into Central Perk in her wedding gown to find Monica, so she could get some advice. Her father bribed her into coming home, but she didn't agree. She didn't want to be a shoe. She officially became Monica's roommate.

Meanwhile, Ross was feeling down, as Carol(ex wife) had moved her things out. She had recently come out as a lesbian and is now living with a woman named Susan. She had visited Ross in the museum(he was a palaeontologist) and told him that she was pregnant with his child. He was utterly torn. He couldn't get his mind around it. He wanted to be involved, but he didn't want to be involved.

One night, on Rachel's birthday, Ross had to travel to China (the country) for work. He gave the gift he bought for Rachel to Chandler to give it to her. He would be gone for a week. Rachel opened Ross's gift. It was the same piece of jewellery she wanted: the stunning floral patterned brochure that was just like her grandmother's. Ross remembered.

Rachel wanted to buy this but didn't due to how expensive it was. Chandler blurted out that Ross had bought a ridiculously expensive crystal duck for Carol when he was in love with her. That's the story of how Rachel fell in love with Ross.

A week later, Rachel goes to the airport to meet Ross to confess; but he was not alone. He had found a girlfriend, Julie and Rachel hated her despite her doing anything.

One day, Rachel got really drunk and confessed her feelings to Ross over the phone. He heard it the next day and was utterly shocked.

They met in Central Perk late in the night. There was a lot of screaming.

They kissed.

Chandler and Joey made a con list about Julie and Rachel to see who he should break up with. He broke up with Julie.

Rachel was thrilled until she found the con list and was disgusted from what they wrote about her. They never dated until they found the prom video...

The prom video showed that Ross was willing to take Rachel to prom because her date Chip hadn't arrived yet. When he got changed into his dad's old tux he came down but...

Chip had arrived.

Rachel saw this video and went to Ross who was by the door and kisses him. They started dating!!

Monica had no job as she was fired and she was looking everywhere to find a job related to cooking. She started catering for funerals.

About a whole year later:

Rachel now had a job in Bloomingdales. She was under a lot of stress as summer season was arriving. It was Ross's and Rachel's anniversary. She came home late and they had this really big fight.

Rachel said it was time they took a break. Ross got really drunk and slept with Chloe. Rachel called Ross the next day and told she was sorry and would love to be his girlfriend again and she would drop by to his house at 8:30. Everything went well until Rachel found out about Chloe and they broke up.

Phoebe found out that her grandma had lied to her about who was her father. She soon realised that Lily was also not her real mother. She found out that she had a half-brother. Frank Jr. He wanted kids, but his wife was double the age of him. He asked Phoebe to be the surrogate mother of triplets. They were named Frank Jr. Jr.(boy), Leslie(girl) and Chandler(turned out to be a girl).

After some time, Ross married Emily, a British woman he had met. But in the altar, he said the wrong name. He said Rachel instead of Emily causing another divorce. A day before the wedding, Monica and Chandler slept together which led them to have a secret relationship for 5 months before everyone was revealed of the truth.

They traveled to Vegas to see a movie Joey was shooting where he found his identical hand-twin. Ross got drunk-married to Rachel, causing yet another divorce.

A month later, Rachel found out she was pregnant with Ross's child in Mondler's wedding. Monica and Chandler's wedding was beautiful. Monica's vow was amazing: 'My prince, my soulmate, my friend...'

Rachel and Ross's kid turned out to be a girl who they named Emma Geller- Green. She was the prettiest girl.

Phoebe met a guy named Mike Hannigan who hated marriages, because of his ex-wife. They broke up once, but Mike came to Barbados to propose to Phoebe. But she denied, because she just wanted to know they were heading somewhere. Later on, Phoebe and Mike got married outside in front of Central Perk where it was snowing and as Phoebe had never met her father, Chandler was the one that gave her away.

Monica and Chandler found out that they couldn't have kids so they adopted twins, Jack and Erica.

Rachel has got a job from Louis Vutton which required her to move to Paris. She got off the plane for Ross. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler were moving to a house in Chestester? I don't know the spelling. And everyone was really sad. The last Chandler joke was 'Where?'
So, that was a really brief summary of the ten seasons in Friends. Next chapter is about what has happened in the story till now and what is going to happen in the story later.
Love y'all,
Follow me on ig: fwiends94

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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