Summer Fair.

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"Bailey?" I poked my head out from around the corner of the building, relieved to see my best friend, Jessica, standing there, looking down at me. "What are you doing?"

I sighed and took another bite of my sandwich, chewing it slowly in an attempt to not have to answer the question. Jessica, having known me since elementary school, and probably predicting my antics, walked around and kneeled in front of me, tucking her uniform skirt under knees as she did.

"Don't use food to evade my question," she pointed at my half eaten sandwich. "Hand it over."

I shook my head vigorously, my mouth still full. I wasn't about to give up the sandwich, especially after I had missed breakfast this morning. After forcing myself to swallow my bite, I grabbed my water bottle and took a quick swig, clearing my mouth.

"I'm just enjoying the fresh air today. That lunchroom gets a bit stuffy doesn't it?" She knew I was lying, I could tell by the way she raised her eyebrow.

"I feel as though you're avoiding a certain someone."

"I am not."

"Oh really?" I gave her a curt nod. I could tell she knew I was lying. She leaned to the side a bit, giving her the ability to see the side of the building. "Then what would you do if I told you Jake was coming this way right now."

I froze in the process of biting into my sandwich. My response came very quickly as I started shoving things back into my lunch bag. "I think lunch is almost over, don't you think? We should probably head back." I pulled the bags strap over my shoulder and looked down at Jessica. "Maybe we should take the long way around though, I heard they started fixing up the tennis courts, let's check it out quickly."

I took a few quick steps but was halted when Jessica grabbed the back of my blazer. "I'm joking."

I turned back to look at her in disbelief "Why would you do that to me?"

"I was proving a point."

"Well that was the worst possible way to do it!"

"Chill Bailey, let's go see the what their doing with the courts, it'll help get me excited for try-outs next year." Jessica released her hold on my navy blue blazer and walked past me.

I sighed and smiled. "Great, as long we don't have to go back to the lunch room. I don't want to risk running into J—"


My body halted again, the voice that had called my name being way to familiar. Ahead of me Jessica was walking backwards smirking at me. I gritted my teeth and watched as she waved, winked and promptly ran away.

"Hey, I was looking for you at lunch, then I saw Jessica head out this way, I assumed she had to meeting you."

I turned on my heel, my blonde hair flying as I came face to face with a boy who was a inch shorter than me and had dusty brown hair and murky green eyes. Jake Robinson. A boy who had become obsessed with me this past year, for reason unknown to me.

"Hey Jake, what's up?" I forced my kindest smile and glanced down.

"I was wondering if you wanted to walk to Biology together. It kind of sucks that we didn't get partnered together, but that doesn't we still can't hang out a little."

I nodded slowly, screaming internally. "Sure let's go." He smiled brightly and I suddenly recalled the beginning of the semester when I had practically begged our Biology teacher let me switch partners, after I had found out I was paired with Jake.

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