Chapter 19 - Stand Off

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Vexx treads through the castle as questions of the Queen's Actions raced through his head while he searched for her.
He found her sitting in the Castle library as she held a book in hand and a mug filled to the rim with tea while the outside sweated.
"Queen what is the meaning of this" Vexx confronted.
"What is the meaning of what" she asked.
"Don't play dumb. Why would you summon every Council member out of the blue like this. Then not even give a explanation for why in such short notice"
"Well if you must know. We are getting ready"
"For what"
"The hybrid"
"Your son. Why would we need to be ready for Ace"
"Because he is coming here to kill me. I don't know why. But we are preparing to kill him when he arrives"
"So you want me to help in the fight"
"That would be ideal yes. The others will be here soon for me to give the battle strategy. But first i must ask you. Who will you side with?
The Royals or The Renegades"
"Why would you ask that"
"Because ever since you fought that Hybrid you've come back different. I can tell that you respect him. But if you do choose to side with him. Just know that there will be people ready to kill you"
"You know what. I choose to fight with Ace. I know first hand what you can do. And i would rather choose the Underdog than choose the woman who has an excessive ego"
Vexx answers as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
If Ace is coming here then i should probably try to track his shadow. I bet he's probably moving quickly. I wonder if he thought about my offer.
Vexx quickly disappeared into a shadow as he started to search the plains for Ace.

"Sir Harpis. We have received word from nearby villages that a dark figure was seen flying through the air being followed by someone who could fly and someone who could control the Earth" A messenger delivered as he bowed towards Harpis. While the large monitor infront of him lit his face.
"So the Organization are finally making their move. Prepare the girl. Looks like she will finally have the spotlight to show off her powers"
"Yes sir"
I hope he isn't too reckless before we get there. Knowing the Organization they probably have mucked up his emotions some how.

Ace' speed quickly split the clouds as he continued to Aim for the Castle.
It would seem im being followed by that pesky bird. But what is my brother doing with her.
Ace turned around and spread his wings out wide.
He fired shiny black Crystals backwards through the air. He quickly noticed a large pillar of dirt rise up and protect Aero while King suddenly sprung into the air and punched Ace to the ground.
The impact sends Ace' body tunneling through the ground as the blow almost seemed to create a Ravine.
King drops to the ground while Aero followed, floating softly through the air.
"That was easier than i thought it would be. I can't believe we went through all this trouble just to kill a puny little reptilia" Aero complained.
"Don't get Cocky. There is a reason for why the ancients feared the arrival of the 3rd hybrid" King reminded.
King peeked down the narrow crevice that Ace' body had created as he spotted him.
King started to slowly close the crevice. Hoping to crush Ace without having to lift a finger.
Until suddenly something grabs his ankle and swiftly throws him a few meters away from where Ace fell.
"You have some nerve attacking a noble opponent while he's down" Vexx yelled as he stood, guarding Ace from King and Aero.
"What is the meaning of this Vexx. Are you considering a treason" Aero suggested.
"I didn't consider anything. It was you guys who chose for me. Thanks for showing me what people who follow orders like idiots look like"
Suddenly the ground started to tremble as 3 objects quickly shot up from under ground and fired towards King.
King immediately blocked the oncoming attack and examined the objects. They were Ace' Black diamond Crystals.
"Are you guys sure you want this to be the place for the final battle" a girl asked as she looked across the plains.
"Who are you" Vexx asked.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Skye and this" the air beside her started to swirl with flames as a person emerged. "Is Damion. We we're sleeper agents sent to create quote on quote friendships with the Hybrid. After Ace left school for a few days, we were called back here"
"Well this doesn't really seem fair now does it" Ace yelled as he broke through the ground beside Vexx. "To bad I'm going to kill you all before you get the chance"
"Do you really believe you can defeat us all my foolish brother" King mocked.
"So I see that not only was my brother betraying me. But my two childhood friends also. If you two are here then that means that"
"Yep you guessed it. I'm hear too sweetheart." Jasmine announced as she flew in on a large bird that resembled a Phoenix. Metal was wrapped around its ankles and its wings seemed to have a iron trim around them. "And i must say. I never knew the Organization had this many members"

"We're almost to the Castle. I just hope that we're aren't to late" Acelin hissed as she quickly slithered through King's Earth Pillars.
"I'm sure that your precious Prince will be fine" Cath encouraged.
"Woah what's going on here" Acelin asked as she turned back and slowly hid in the tall grass with the girl close behind.

"What is this 2vs5" Ace asked.
"Actually its 2vs7" a familiar voice admitted as the sound of barking filled the air. Both Scarlet and Alice appear from the far away forest line as Scarlet's hounds barked continuously.
"Did you track me"
"You could say that. I was hoping we could bring Rune, Hercules and the professor but they weren't able to make it. But i promised i would bring back your head as a token of our victory"
"YOU SOUND PRETTY SURE YOU'VE WON. HUH SCARLET" Acelin yelled as her and Cath stood up.
"Wow. 3 Code in one place. Its a shame that Ambes or Alisu couldn't make it. We should have a party"
"If your not going to take this situation seriously i guess you wont have a problem with me killing you, right"
Everyone's expression became serious. As they soon realized it was now life or death.

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