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Isabella's P.O.V

I slid my finger across the spines of the various cookbooks, Amma's Homestyle Recipes, Weight Watcher's, Dessert's that would make your man-- I groaned in frustration. Parker had sent me out to the mall to look for someone or something who knew how to cook Brooke's favorite food, pulled pork. I could safely say i'd spent a good part of my life time in the cooking aisle looking for something easy enough for both of us to explain. Parker and I'd been baking all day: cookies, brownies, cakes--which wouldn't have taken half as long as it did, if it weren't for all the interruptions. Getting licked isn't as fun as you think--

His whole plan for curing Brooke's Break-Up-Syndrome included a day at the mall all expenses paid of course, and an over elaborate dinner when she got home.  I grabbed a promising looking book, and flipped through it.

"Finally!" I sighed, tucking the book underneath my arm. I spun around to leave, just as a man bustled into my aisle. The guy was gigantic, had to be at least 200 pounds of muscle--his skin was unnaturally tanned, almost black--he had slits for eyes.

Like a snake.

"Making dinner?" Snake-Eyes cocked his head, taking another step until he stood directly over me. I swallowed, ducking my head and moving to pass by. He intercepted me, causing me to bump into the rack. 

One of his spidery fingers slid over my cheek, and I winced. My heart went into overdrive, was he some kind of freak-rapist?

A kidnapper?

"Pretty...really pretty." He hissed, his eyes narrowing even more. I took a gigantic step backwards. "I have a boyfriend." I mumbled to the ground, pressing the book to my chest.

Snake-Eyes glanced around, "Well," He put his hands out. "I don't see him, anywhere."

Did I attract the world's population of creeps or something? This time he reached out aggressively, grabbing hold of my wrist.


"Why don't you harass someone else's girlfriend?" The familiar charm of someone's voice caused me to jump. I felt his arm loop around my waist tightly, and then yank me away from Snake-Eye's hand.

I looked up at Zach, realizing how long it'd been since i'd actually seen him. His eye-liner rimmed chestnut brown eyes stayed on Snake-Eyes, his midnight black hair hung over his eyes--the blonde under layer brushing his leather-clad shoulders, a dragon tattoo I hadn't seen before snaked out from the collar of his leather jacket, barring it sharp fangs at the side of his throat as if he'd be bitten at any second, silver chains hung off from his black jeans that led into dirty combat boots. Again, I was requited with the reason why i'd given him the term Tumblr Boy, which seemed like ages ago now.

Both of them stood there, sizing each other up. I couldn't say Zach didn't look intimidating, because he did. And it seemed as if Snake-Eyes knew that too.

"I wouldn't want to hurt you, fag," Snake-Eyes spat, his voice shaking, "How about you step aside?"

Zach released my waist, and took a step towards him. I found myself in a case of deja vu as I reached out and grabbed his arm. I felt Zach's muscles tense as he clenched his fist. He shook me off, and pushed me backwards. His eyes were void less and angry, it didn't even seem like he'd heard me.

Zach grabbed Snake-Eyes by the collar of his dirty jacket and slammed him against the rack behind him, sending napkin's and plastic utensils falling to the ground. "Touch her, or even think about showing your face in here again, and I will kill you." Zach growled, venom dripping from his words, "Understand?"

Snake-Eyes looked more like a lost puppy now, as he nodded quickly and stumbled off--tripping over his own feet to get out of the mall. Zach turned to me, with a totally different expression on his face. He looked like he was about to laugh.

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