Dealing with depression (III)

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Do things that make you feel good
In order to overcome depression, you have to do things that relax and energize you. This includes following a healthy lifestyle, learning how to better manage stress, setting limits on what you're able to do, and scheduling fun activities into your day.

While you can't force yourself to have fun or experience pleasure,

you can push yourself to do things,

even when you don't feel like it.

You might be surprised at how much better you feel once you're out in the world.

Even if your depression doesn't lift immediately,you'll gradually feel more upbeat and energetic as you make time for fun activities.

- Pick up a former hobby or sport
- Express yourself creatively through music,art,or writing.
- Go out with friends.
- Take a day trip to a museum, the mountains, or the ballpark.

Support your health

• Aim for eight hours of sleep. Depression typically involves sleep problems; whether you're sleeping too little or too much, your mood suffers. Get on a better sleep schedule by learning healthy sleep habits.

• Expose yourself to a little sunlight every day. Lack of sunlight can make depression worse. Take a short walk outdoors, have your coffee outside, enjoy an al fresco meal, people-watch on a park bench, or sit out in the garden.Aim for at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to boost your mood. If you live somewhere with little winter sunshine,try using a light therapy box.

• Practice relaxation techniques.A daily relaxation practice can help relieve symptoms of depression,reduce stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being.Try yoga, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.

Develop a "wellness toolbox" to deal with depression Come up with a list of things that you can do for a quick mood boost.

The more "tools" for coping with depression, the better. Try and implement a few of these ideas each day, even if you're feeling good.

- Spend some time in nature
- List what you like about yourself
- Read a good book
- Watch a funny movie or TV show
- Take a long, hot bath

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