chapter 15 *unedited*

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Aphmau's Pov

"Ivan!" Enya yelled she walked up to him and smacked his head

"What is wrong with you" she said bitterly
"Eni..?" He asked he lifted his hand and attempted to touch her but when he did her hand turned red.
Vylad pulled him back.

"You can't touch her Ivan." He said giving and apologetic look to Enya.
"If the red spreads through her ghost form she'll turn into a shadow. And she'll never return to normal."Vylad explained.

"No shadow knight and touch her.." He said
"B--But im a shadow-knight...." She looked up at Vylad.
"Then you need to get your old form back. Unless your.... No way..." I looked at her in shock her red hand turned back to a shady blue.

"Well.. You could restore your own life force." He said examining her hand
"W-What do you mean.." Enya asked
"Your directly connected to Irenes family." He stated then looked up at her.

"But you look nothing like any of them. Most of Irene's family had dark hair...
Not bright red..Now that I think about it..You aren't blood related to Lord Nichole either....Hm....Lady Enya give me your hand please" He asked

Enya's Pov

I gave him my hand and Ivan was looking at me sadly.

"Ahh....." He said and let go of my hand
"You do have magicks..But they're dark. Magicks.. Be careful those are more rare than the light.
But either way I still don't understand..
But to shadow knights you have this... Aura? That is blood red and black while Aphmaus is white.." He explained

Zoey ran up to me holding a seed and a blue potion.
"You'll be asleep for a week or so." She i informed
"Err... Can someone catch me?" I asked and Vylad nodded going behind me slightly
"Do I just drop it in..?" I asked
Malachi nodded
"Okay.." I said slightly scared
I dropped the seed in and everything turned black

Malachi's Pov

I saw mom(Enya) fall back words.
She kinda looked dead..
It was scary.
Vylad picked her up and we led him to the village with Ivan.
She was mumbling and kept on turning which was weird because Zoey told me that I was motionless.

"Zoey why is she moving so much" i asked
Zoey looked at her and fear crossed her gaze.
"Bring her to my house now!" She demanded and sprinted back into the forest.

Mom snow white skin was turning red starting at her fingers.
"Vylad Zoey's room is in the tree house hurry!" I yelled as he ran.

The air was thick with tenseness.
Zoey ran back carrying a staff
We all ran up and saw her making a symbol.

She put a book in the middle and a huge black and red portal appeared.
"Were finding out whats causing this.. Were going inside her head" zoey said and stepped in.
I ran in followed by Aphmau,Aaron,Vylad,Ivan,Laurance,Dante,And Malachi.

Once The flash faded I opened my eyes.
It was pretty but the colors weren't.

The tree's were grey with black leaves.
The ground was black with some spots of white

The ocean over the distance was blood red.
We made our way to the stream it was also red.
Put my hand in it and it was really warm.
It smelled metallic

I realized all water in her head was blood.
Solid things were shades of black and grey.
And sometimes there was a bit of white and brown but other than that it was just dark..

"I feel so bad for the poor girl." I heard Zoey mumble
"Why?" I asked
"Listen closely around the rivers.." She said I listened and heard cries of a child ten and adults

"Why is her mind so.. Dark.." Aphmau asked hugging herself..
"Aphmau you must understand this is her past..If you haven't noticed she did use to be a thief and assassin. Her life was only dark and chaotic..Be lucky our lives weren't hers..she was left alone when she was 7 while we all had families. Aphmau you were left when you were what 25? And you still couldn't handle it.. Imagine being 7 in the real world." Zoey explained

"Thats awful..." Aphmau replied
"It is but it made her stronger"Aaron but in.
"Yeah most of us would be dead.." Dante said.
"Whats that?" Vylad pointed to a small bright place.
"Thats her happiness come" zoey said and we all ran to the light.

It was all normal colored when you looked out farther all your could see was black above and around you.
It was like she protected this one place.

"Oooo i remember that!" Laurance pointed to a small crystal with a water balloon fight.
"We totally beat you!" I said triumphantly

"Haha whatever" Laurance replied.
I saw a black crystal and touched it.
She was in scales wind.. She stole the crown..
"8 year olds have guts!" Ivan said looking at it.

"Its kinda funny to see a mini Enya she looked so adorable i just wanna pinch her little che--" aphmau slightly gasped at a crystal.
Enya was running away from home....
I remember her horse frost loudest horse ever..

The crystal turned blue and that was when she met me.
A small tear made its way on my cheek as I touched it.

"What are you guys doing here.." I heard a familiar voice.
I looked to see Mom
"Sorry to scare you but what are you doing in my mind?" The she asked

"How did you know."Aaron asked
"I'd think I'd know if people were
In my mind i cant stop thinking about you guys"She snapped at us making most of us flinch

"Enya.. Why is your head like this..?" Ivan asked
"Its all I remember..
I only have memories back to when I was 8" she explained looking out at the darkness

"Enya tell us your past now"

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