Explanation and a trailer

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Okay.So I know I haven't updated in a while,but im working on it...I wanna make the next one really long so I can make up for it.
Today Is my Birthday so thats another reason I haven't updated,anywho Thank you for 1.1k views it means a lot

now on to the trailer

Third person

Nova carefully stole a blue gem from a old man,running back to the guild,her dark hair  flowing behind her as she ran through the forest meeting up with Amber.
Boss had told everyone when her father was a kid,he told her of a red haired girl,the reddest hair he'd ever seen,he'd found her in the forest,around the same place she found Nova.
The girl had been a natural thief,stealing from Okasis even.but one day she was taken..claimed as not being able to steal at such a young age..the boss heard so many stories that they changed over time..

Maybe for the better or the worse..
only time will tell.
Okay Again super sorry..
I tried adding a little trailer for Nova and some past.
but other than that nothing was exposed.

a little of Enya's thieving and what thieves guild.
also Enya is like 24 years older than the boss.im guessing the boss was born around 20 years ago.which Enya was around 25 when she left.
So the boss hadn't been born..plus the 15 years..
Im not sure about the boss's parents but I just did a dead father..
Thank you all..I feel bad not updating as quickly but sometimes stuff comes up.im still trying to edgjust to school and all.but other than that im working on a huge chapter..not sure when It will come out..but it'll take a while..I'll try doing some short stories on here while im working on the big chapter.So I might have some funny out of the Minecraft dairies things so you can still enjoy this story..So I'll get working on one so I can please you all..You are all amazing ~Chou 

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