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My hair clung to my face from sweat as I carried the last box into my new home. "It's weird being back without mom," I stated as I put the box down in the middle of the living room. Sadness filled the space as I struggled to fight back the tears. I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders before I was pulled into a tight hug. "I know I know but we'll get through this you and I," my brother Lucas said kindly before releasing me. "So what do you say we go fill up the car and get some dinner we can worry about unpacking later when dads home," Lucas asked smiling. I nodded and headed back outside. I descended exited the front porch only to be met by the scorching heat of the afternoon sun. Lucas' car sat on the street and was free of boxes so we decided to take his. I climbed into the passenger seat of his car just as he climb into the drivers side. I twirled he silver heart necklace that clung to my neck just as the cat roared to life. "dad says we're staying this time so you could always try talking to him," Lucas said noticing my absent mindedness. "I miss him I do but after the way we ended things I doubt he'd want to see me hell I even doubt he'll remember me," I said thinking back to the last time I saw him.
A loud crack filled the sky as I struggled to find the words."You can't just leave!" Darry yelled as tears filled the rims of his eyes. "This isn't my choice," I told him trying to remain calm and ignore the now forming lump in my throat. I reached for his hand only to have him rip it away. "You could convince them not to go," he said as tears trailed down his face. I sucked in a breath realizing this was the first time I've ever seen Darry so vulnerable so weak. I stretched my hand out and wiped away the falling tears. "I will always love youyou Daryl Curtis but I have to go," he held my hand to his cheek tracing circles on the back of it. "I love you too Quinn," Darry whispered as his heart broke in two. Another loud crack sounded from above just as rain began to fall. "I'm so sorry," I whispered as the rain washed over us. I turned to leave only to feel the touch of Darry's strong hand on my wrist. I hesitated for a moment and only to feel his other hand softly grab the side of my face forcing me to look at him. There was a silence between us as I looked into his soft blue green eyes. In that moment I felt his lips connect with mine. The kiss was filled with more passion than any of our other kisses before that. When we pulled away he released me and that's when I knew it was over. I reached up to my neck and felt the cold silver of the heart necklace Darry had gotten me for our one year and began to undo it. "Don't," Darry said softly," if you take it off then it means there truly is no chance for us." Before i could respond a horn sounded in the distance signaling it was my time to go. "I love you Darry more than anything remember that," I stated before running to my fathers car.
I climbed into the back seat and quickly turned to look out the window. The rain began to subside and I watched Darry fade into the distance .
"It's only been two years liv I doubt he would of forgotten ya that quick," Lucas said as we pulled into the DX station. He pulled up to the pump on his side before throwing his car into park and killing the engine,"look I'm not telling you to try and get back together with him or anything I'm just saying I've been in touch with soda a few times since the move and he's saying Darry still misses ya." I sat still for a moment glancing over to the pump where a tall very attractive guy maybe a little younger than me stood. He wore a blue work shirt with a white undershirt and blue jeans. He had short brown hair and a very kind face. Lucas rolled down his window just as he began to approach. "The names sodapop what can I do for ya?" He asked giving a soft smile." Soda? Lucas asked happily. Before we moved Soda, Lucas and Steve were almost inseparable. Lucas was the eldest of the three but easily the most laid back. Soda nodded just as a look of realization washed over him," Lucas hey man what ya doin back ?" Soda asked confused. "Our dad got relocated,"Lucas said telling him almost the whole truth before stepping out of the drivers seat. "Our?" Soda asked looking at me as if he has just noticed my presence. His eyes widened and I couldn't tell if it was from excitement or shock. See before I left I was very close with sodapop he and I were practically glued to the hip whenever he wasn't with my brother and Steve. "Liv?" He asked his voice sounding of hope and sadness. I nodded before undoing my seat belt and climbing out of the car. Soda rushed around to me and in one swift motion pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh soda I've missed you so much ," I said as he tightened his grip on me. "Y'all have to come over and see everyone alright?" Soda asked as we pulled away. "Sounds good just let us know when," Lucas said handing him a 20 to fill the car up. "What about tonight it's a Saturday everyone will be over and pon ain't got school?" Soda asked smiling hope filling his eyes. Lucas looked over at me and watched me absent mindlessly playing with my necklace. "We'll be there," we're the three words I knew would change everything.

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