Denis Stoff: jealousy

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Me and Denis have been dating a while now and today I'll be meeting his best mate; Ben Bruce.

I've talked to Ben before but not in person, I'm very nervous and excited. The reason I'm meeting him on his own is because I met the rest of the band but he was too ill to join us.

"You excited baby?" Denis smiled.


We heard the doorbell ring and he got up to answer the door, when doing so Bens mouth dropped as he saw me walking to him.

"Damn...y/n you're fucking hot!"

Denis' face dropped as his best mate is trying it on with me.

"Baby do you—"

"Y/n I fucking love those shoes!" Ben butted in.

I noticed what he was doing, "thanks, Denis bought me them."

"Cute so..."


Ben was leaving so me and Denis walked to the door to say goodbye.

"Bye mate." He patted him on the back.

Denis smiled and nodded.

"Goodbye gorgeous." Ben said to me kissing me cheek then slamming the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" Growled Denis.

"Baby, look, calm down."

"Calm down? My best mate just fucking kissed you and has been flirting with you the whole night!" He glared.

"Denis, baby, I love you. Only you. That's the way it's going to stay okay? I'm not replacing you." I reassured him, cupping his face.

"Yeah you're right..I just, I haven't felt this way about anyone before..I haven't felt this way about anyone before and—"

"Baby, mr stoff, my one and only; you're not loosing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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