The Last Brownie

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Leo Valdez has updated his status:

There is one more brownie in the mess hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nico di Angelo: *Grabs dat brownie* I AM GONNA FIGHT FOR IT!!!!

Jason Grace: *Grabs brownie*

Percy Jackson: *Slaps and takes brownie*

Leo Valdez: Hey that was MAI brownie!

Piper McLean: I made cookies! (::)(::)(::)(::)(::)

Annabeth Chase: I'm coming over Piper.

Hazel Levesque likes this comment

Leo Valdez: Gimme da BROWNIE!

Percy Jackson: *bites brownie* Now do ya want it?

Frank Zhang: o.o You didn't!

Percy Jackson: I did!

Jason Grace: I now want cookies.

Leo Valdez: I need dat brownie!

Nico di Angelo: Percy! -.- Did you just bite the brownie?

Percy Jackson: Why yes I did. *bites again*

Piper McLean has changed her name to Piper and The Girls

Piper and The Girls: *Eats cookies with Jason.*

Nico di Angelo: Nuuuuuu! Wait... Cookies?

Piper and The Girls: No more cookies!

Nico di Angelo has logged off


Roman_Praetor has updated her status:

I only thought that up because I took the last brownie from my brother.

Don't worry. I have cookies for all my loyal friends and followers! (::)(::)(::)(::)(::)

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