Starting of crushing

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Katelyn p.o.v:
I sit down and watch fairytail like always after that I get a text from travis saying:
(T= travis k= katelyn)

T: hey katelyn ;)
K: gaaaa hi *-*
T:so wanna come over
K: I am kinda lonely
(Travis rushes over)

Katelyn: WTF
travis: I thought your being lonely
Katelyn: I am
Travis: well wanna do something
Katelyn: *-* no
Travis: are you sure (gets closer to katelyn)
Katelyn: i-im sure
Travis: so I should leave
Katelyn: n-no i-i need help to clean up the kitchen *whispers, ugh I'm so dumb stupid exscuses*

Travis p.o.v:
I look at katelyn as she tells me to stay
I feel like an idiot for doing that as I see her face blush I go in the kitchen and help as she wipes down the table

Katelyn p.o.v: ugh I'm making up excuses for him to stay. Because kawaii~chan will be here soon I asked him to help with the kitchen but I don't like him like that I just need help

Travis: so when is kawaii~chan going to be home?
Katelyn: um in a couple of minutes
Kawaii~chan: SHES HOME
katelyn: nevermind
Travis: well I should leave
Katelyn: no!
Travis: Wait what
Katelyn: just stay for another hour please I need someone to stay
Travis: OKAY
kawaii~chan: is katelyn~sama ok?
Katelyn: I'm fine
Kawaii~chan: o-ok

Kawaii~chan p.o.v:
I look around my room and open my window. I see zane~kun walk down the street and I rush down the stairs to go say hi.

Zane: kawaii~chan?
Kawaii~chan: hi zane~kun
Zane: why are you here
Kawaii~chan:kawaii~chan saw zane~kun walk down the street so kawaii~chan wanted to join
Zane:*blushes bright red* ok
Kawaii~chan:*blushes dark red*
Zane: are you ok?
Kawaii~chan:kawaii~chan is ok!
Zane:ok let's just walk back to my house
Kawaii~chan: ok

Zane p.o.v:
Kawaii~chan walks with Me to my house and I realize I really do like her. Even more than travis likes tacos which is insane to me. I blushed bright red but she blushed dark red which now I know she was nervous with walking with me but why does she want to walk with me I'm a horrible person ugh whatever.

Kawaii~chan: *gasp*
Zane: what
Kawaii~chan: you have an awesome house
Zane:*blushes* thanks I guess
Kawaii~chan: oh goodness
Zane: what?
Kawaii~chan: katelyn~sama and travis~kun accidentally let rats in the house
Zane:what does that mean?
Kawaii~chan: I can't go home right now or later
Zane: you can stay here *blushes*
Kawaii~chan: ok kawaii~chan will love to!

Travis: it was already down in kawaii~chans room
Katelyn: well then that's not my fault
Travis: eh I know
Katelyn: I'm not sleeping on the streets
Travis: sleep at my house
Katelyn: ok I guess
Travis: yessss
Katelyn: *smacks travis*
Travis: that time it didn't hurt
Katelyn: yes I can tell
Travis: why
Katelyn: I don't feel like hitting you anymore
Travis: why?
Katelyn: because I should stop hitting people
Travis: ok

Katelyn p.o.v:
Yes! I'm sleeping at travis's house and maybe in his room. But he sleeps in the basement.

Travis: you can sleep in my room
Katelyn: but where in there *blushes red*
Travis: anywhere you want *blushes dark red*
Katelyn: well I'll sleep on the floor I guess
Travis: ok.

Kawaii~chan: kawaii~chan is going to sleep in the living room
Zane: ok.. I will too
Kawaii~chan: ok *blushes*
Zane: *blushes as well*
Kawaii~chan: goodnight zane~senpai
Zane: did you call me z-zane~senpai?
Kawaii~chan: n-no m-maybe y-yes
Zane: o-ok *blushes*
Kawaii: ok kawaii~chan needs to sle-
(CRASH) "nya"
Zane: oh god no
Kawaii~chan: who was that
Kawaii~chan: uhhhh
Zane: come on we need to hide
Kawaii~chan: o-ok

Kawaii~chan p.o.v:
I follow zane~senpai into a closet. It was really small in there. So I had to lean close to him. I saw his face blush as I leaned closer.

For people who like Michi~Chan and zane together you might wanna leave this story or if you like Lucinda and travis together this story is still not for you.

Michi walks in Zane's room and tries to find him

Michi: zaneee where are you baby
Zane: *whispers get behind me*
Kawaii~chan: ok
Michi: zane you know you love me
Zane: grrr
Michi: oh your in- whos this
Kawaii~chan: meow..
Michi: why not *pulls kawaii~chans tail*
Kawaii~chan: OWWW michi~chan
Zane: I told you not to touch her
Michi: oh then I'll touch you
Zane: wha-
Michi: *kisses zane*
Kawaii~chan: meow *tears up
Zane: *pulls michi away*
Michi: I need this * takes Zane's shirt*
Kawaii~chan: *blushes*

Travis: night katelyn
Katelyn: really I'm not sleeping
Katelyn: I wasn't flirting
Travis: well I was
Katelyn: eh true by the way this floor is uncomfortable
Travis: that's what you get for sleeping on the ground
Katelyn: ugh can I sleep on there
Travis: *blushes* s-sure
Katelyn: *blushes*
katelyn: whatever

Kawaii~chan p.o.v:
Woahh zane~senpai looks cute shirtless "sorry bout that" zane~sepai says "meow its ok" " s-shes my ex girlfriend" "michi~chan is mean and rude" "ya she really is"

Zane: kawaii~chan?
Zane: ugh i cant stop looking at her sleep

Travis: she's so... Pretty when she sleeps

Is It Love?(Zawaii~chan And  Travlyn)Where stories live. Discover now