Kawaii~chan and zane

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Katelyn p.o.v
We all sat in a circle
We spinned and everyone (almost) had their dream boy or girl
Of course after we were done Travis kissed me 19 times because of my 19th birthday. Everyone clapped when it was done. then Kawaii~chan comes out in the living room with a cake and sung happy birthday. I was told by aphmau to turn on pity party and cut my cake it was cool cuz at the scream part I stabbed it everyone went silent and travis broke the silence with a clap for some reason

Ash:thx for letting us stay over we're so excited to just stay up almost all night
Katelyn:that's what we do all the time
Travis:heh thx katelyn for the guys and ash for staying over
Aphmau: Travis you stay here all the time
Katelyn:well he's always in my room never in the living room
Ash: hehe girls follow me
Kawaii~chan: ash~senpai what are we going to do?
Yes ash is senpai to kawaii~chan just like zane and aphmau
Katelyn: yea why are we in the basement
Chris: Heyyyy ladies
Kawaii~chan: ahhhhhh
Chris: wassup kawaii~chan
Kawaii~chan: not interested
Chris: awee just trying to get my groove back
Katelyn: yea and how is that going to work
Chris:well I really REALLY like michi
Ash:woah her
Michi: nya
Chris: oh what a hottie I mean stalker
Katelyn: Michi why are you here?
Michi: to win garlians heart back
Michi: and how do you know that
Ash:I'm his best friend I know everything bout him
Chris: really
Ash: he likes Lucinda
Michi: yup
Kawaii~chan: phew Michi doesn't like zane anymore
Michi:hehe I still do
Kawaii~chan: meow
Michi: I'm joking
kawaii~chan: good
Michi:your not even dating
Kawaii~chan:Kawaii~chan knows
Michi:then why do you like to kiss him
Katelyn:michi leave
Kawaii~chan: meow
Ash: ok Chris leave or before I won't make bacon and eggs no more
Chris: BACON
Ash:phew no boys well I was trying to say we all go to the men we admire and kiss their cheeks
Katelyn:I do that a lot
Aphmau: hehehehe aaron will love that
Kawaii~chan: what about me?
Ash:do whatever you want to do
Kawaii~chan: oh so I can sit on the stairs
Ash: I guess if that's what your doing
Kawaii~chan: YAY
Katelyn:kawaii~chan what are you planning
Kawaii~chan:hehehe kawaii~chan has a surprise
Travis:finally your done talking
Katelyn:*hugs Travis*
Katelyn: *kisses travis*
Blah blah everyone is making out except kawaii~chan and Zane but until.....
Kawaii~chan:hi senpai
Zane:*blushes* h-hi
Kawaii~chan: you seem nervous
Zane:nervous for-
Kawaii~chan:*kisses zane*
Zane:*kisses back*
They finally apart for breath then they kiss again until everyone is staring and gawking at zanes smile
To be continued...

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