The beggining of travlyn

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Kawaii~chan P.o.v:
I wake up to Zane~senpai's face he's sleeping right next to me. I realize I'm sleeping in his comfy bed. He wakes up with a smile and blushes. I blush too

Kawaii~chan:good morning zane~se- zane~kun
Zane:you can call me zane~senpai
Kawaii~chan: o-ok
Zane: *giggles*
Kawaii~chan: well zane~senpai who do you-
Zane:*kisses kawaii~chan*
Kawaii~chan and zane: *blushes*
Kawaii~chan: i-i- *zane kisses kawaii~chan again*
Zane: sorry I blanked out
Kawaii~chan: kawaii~chan thought you liked aphmau~senpai
Zane: that was a lie
Kawaii~chan: you could have told kawaii~chan
Zane: s-so-
Kawaii~chan: sorry zane~senpai but I have other feelings for dante~kun
Zane: oh *tears up*
Kawaii~chan: b-but we're close senpai
Zane: i-im senpai
Kawaii~chan: *smiles* yes and that means Kawaii~chan loves zane~senpai the most
Zane:*blushes* o-oh
Kawaii~chan: kawaii~chan needs to go, bye senpai
Zane: b-bye

Zane p.o.v:
She's so... Perfect. I look at her while she leaves and get kind of sad but I remembered katelyns having a party at her house b-but I don't know when to ask kawaii~chan to date me. I check the time what its 9 why did I get up that early I say to my self

Katelyn: good morning hon-
Travis: good morning gorgeous
Katelyn: why do you keep calling me that
Travis: its true you are
Katelyn: it is?
Travis: yup

Katelyn p.o.v:
I think he really likes me. A minute later I was walking to the wall. He sits me down and pins me to the wall after that he kisses me I blush and kiss him back as I pull him to the ground

Katelyn: travis i-
Travis: *cuts katelyn off by kissing her*
Katelyn: will you be my boyfriend
Travis:*picks katelyn up and kisses her*
Katelyn: yes or no
Travis: yes because I loved you ever since saw you
Katelyn: y-you did I thought you liked aphmau?
Travis: I never did

Kawaii~chan: yay the house is clear
Aphmau: and it looks better without the rats
Katelyn: sorry me and travis were being dumb
Kawaii~chan: no its kawaii~chans fault she saw zane~senpai and ran to him
Katelyn: did she just call him senpai
Kawaii~chan: y-yea
Katelyn: looks like we are all dating someone
Kawaii~chan: oh we're not dating yet
Katelyn: oh well katelyn here is taken by Travis
katelyn: OK YOU CAN STOP
Aphmau: ok where's kawaii~chan at
Katelyn: shes updating her shrine
Aphmau: lemme guess you and travis
Aphmau: O_O
katelyn: WHAT
Kawaii~chan: *blushes*

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