The First Fight

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We were standing there. Pietro, Wanda, and myself. Watching as Strucker yelled about who gave the order to attack.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers," said Tom, one of Strucker's workers said.

"Can we hold them?"

"They're the Avengers!" Tom said, obviously nervous.

Tom was one of the only nice people who works for Strucker. However, I wasn't too attached, because I had Wanda and Pietro. They became like a second family to me.

I was suddenly pulled back into the conversation when one of Strucker's top thugs said,"then let's show him what we've accomplished, send out the trio."

"They're not ready." Strucker said.

Pietro, Wanda, and I all looked at each other. Pietro picked Wanda up and put me on his back. He sped away.

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