The fight part 2

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We were all at the core when Ultron and a few dozen robots showed up.

"Is that the best you can do?!?" Thor yelled.

Lots more robots came over and it was very clear that we were outnumbered.

"You had to ask," Steve complained.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted? All of you against all of me. How can you possibly defeat me?" Ultron asked.

"Like the old man said, together," Stark countered.

Then, all the robots came at us and we started fighting again. I was near Natasha and she threw me one of her electric sticks so that I had a weapon. Then Thor, vision, and Tony, all started shooting Ultron and he said,"you know, with a little bit of hindsight..." Then hulk threw him gar away.

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