The morning after

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Fuck,I'm late. Fucking typial of me to get pissed last night with mehaving to get up at six.

Ihit snooze at least eight times, I don't even know why I bothergoing to school, but It's an agreement I have with my mum, well,there was no compromise, she basically said if I skip any moreclasses I'm out on the street. And well, My bed is just too comfy.

Ohfuck. I run to the bathroom and throw up whatever toxic liquids thatare left in me from the night before, Personally I'm proud of myself.Normally I have an awkard encounter with an unwanted house guestoccupying my bed. Well, I'm fourty five minutes late, I'vepractically missed my first class so I go back to bed.

FUCK.I hit snooze one too many times again, I don't have time to shower oreven get dressed, I brush my teeth and throw on a black jumper thatseemed to cover up most of my parts that certain twats think areinapropriate to display. I look in the mirror. Most of my make up isstill on from last night, slighlty smudged, but not too noticeble, Istruggle to put my boots on and almost trip, the dramatic movementturns my stomach.

"fuckinghot piece of ass" I mutter to myself and wink at my reflection,of course it was true, there had to be some reason every guy from theyear above had asked me for nudes.

Istart up my bike and of course it won't fucking start, probably outof gas as usual, mum doesn't start work until 10 today....So I tookher car, she'll be pissed at me, but she'd be more pissed at me fornot even bothering to get to college,maybe. At least she has moneyfor a taxi, I blew mine last night on Jack Daniels. Not my problem.Or maybe blew someone for Jack Daniels....Maybe his name was Jack? Ican't remember and it doesn't matter anyway.

Iget to class, and only one lesson and ten minutes late. I think itmight be a record for me. Someone needs to give me a pat on the back,but if they did I would probably vom.

"GeorgiaElisabeth Carter" My english tacher mutters.

"present,miss" i say opening the door and falling into class.

"Zoe,what are you wearing? where is the rest of your uniform? You'reexposing yourself."

"Ifyou wanted to see my fanny, you should have asked miss."

"Georgia,I don't have time for this again today, get out, head down the hall,principals office, Now"

"Yeah,yeah, I know the fucking drill" I scouled and kicked the door onmy way out.

Wellthat day of school ended pretty quickly. I sat outside the principalsoffice next to some dick with stupid hair. It was long and blonde butobviously died because of the dark roots showing through...I reallyneed my roots done, I'll call the hairdressers tomorr-

"Whatyou in for?" He asked me interrupting my thoughts.

"Daddyissusues, or maybe I would if I had one." I tilded my head andgave him the fakest smile I could manage. I do have a Dad, dads arelike arseholes, everyone's got one.

"Igot caught fucking som-"

"Honestly,I can't think of any other way I'd rather spend my monday, beinghungover and listening to your problems or rather some made up storyabout you trying to brag about pleasuring some girl-- I can't even bearsed being sarcastic. I don't fucking care, Shut your hole."

"Timeof the month?"

Iignored the fucking pathetic sentence every boy uses when a girl isthe slightest bit pissed off, nope, I'm not on my period, You're justan irritating piece of shit.

"Doyou know you forgot to wear trousers today?"

"whythe fuck are you still talking?" He had a weird accent. Maybebritish? I don't really care.

"MissCarter, surprise seeing you here, to what to I owe the pleasure?"The head teacher opened his door, and made a face assuring me thathis comment was sarcastic, and made a gesture for me to come in.

"I've missed you Phil, it's been what, four days? How are you? Youlook good, How're Debby and the kids?"

"Zipit Carter."

Iwalk inside and before I close the door the fake blonde decides tospeak again.

"Whatwas your name?" He smirks, is this ass hat trying to flirt with me?

"Noneof your fucking buisness at hotmail dot com." I reply, with thedirtiest look I can manage.

"Carter!!"I hear a voice boom from inside the office and I close the door. Philmakes a gesture for me to sit down and I ignore his request and pacearound his office taking in the surroundings that I am already prettyfamiliarn with, the stupid family picture of him and what looks likehis fifteen imbred children.

"Georgia,Georgia, Georgia" - he begins "what are we going to do with you?"

"oohooh!!" I raise my hand to answer the obviously rhetorical question."Give me a few million for my contribution of exelent sarcasm and aplane ticket to Bali?" I reply wide eyed with my hands claspedtogether, I can't be arsed with this shit today, especially not withPhil

"Georgia,you're still only seventeen and that means your mother still has tobe contacted" -

"oooh, tell her I said hi! And thanks for the car this morning" - Iinterupt

"Georgia,this has happened and will continue to happen, no doubt, and this isan issue we can no longer tolerate, I had given you plenty ofchances, being that your mother is very high up and appreciated forthis school, but vandalizing public bathrooms, stealing clothes fromthe boys locker room, and now coming to school hardly dressed, not tomention the other countless things, I am affaid there is no otheroption than to have you suspended."

"ohmy goOD GOOD YES!!! " I screamed and Phils face is shocked, "Whatdid you expect me to be upset with time off from this shit hole?"

Philcontinued to lecture me for what seemed like hours telling me howserious this was and how this would affect me getting into college,as if I was even considering going to college. All this aside, as Iwatched Phil ramble I couldn't help but think that my mother is goingto kill me when I get home, I could go to Dads but I don't want himto know I've been suspended. I couldn't give a fuck what motherthinks but I can't be arsed to sit there and have her yell at me forhours on end, she was already going to be pissed because I stole hercar this morning. I call Zoe and stay at hers tonight. After Phil hadeventually stopped yapping I let myself out, I had completley dozedoff while he was making his speach, but as far as I heard was "twoweeks suspension." Which is fine with me. I walked out the officeand that blonde twat was still sitting there, only he had madehimself more comfortable and was sitting upside down with his feet inthe air, he looked like a child.

"AngusMcCarthy" Phil called from his office and the overgrown child stoodup.

"Seeyou around, sweet arse." He called after me, was that supposed tobe a compliment? I'll play along either way.

Ilifted my jumper up from my thighs, slowly, and turned around todemonstate my rear end and just as my jumper slid almost high enoughto show my underwear, I saw his eyes widen and I let go of my jumperand gave him the finger. No show for boys who think they're godsgift.

"that'steasing" he whined but the stupid boy wasn't even worth thecomeback.

(Okay so hello, I'm starting a new story, hopefully a lot better written than my past ones, my chapters will probably all be as long as this ones and as I was obessed with After - weren't we all- I'll probably put song recomendations and real life people who I have in my head to play the characters, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter <3 It would be lovely if you all shared this and commented blah de blahhh <3 xx)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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