Chapter 3: Saturday part 1

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Sakuras pov~

As the week went by, our friendship grew. I woken up to a ring on my phone, groaning I picked it up. It was Menma and I had a date with him today. My heart warmed up when I heard his voice. His voice was so sexy, especially when he smirks. I flipped on my red phone and answered it.

"Hey Menma." I said happily, while the phone was against my ear.

"Hey Sakura, have you chose a place to eat at?" Menma said in a dark, low, mysterious voice.

"Uhh, how about that new restaurant near the Ramen shop?" I suggested, and he said sure. He then hung up and forgot to tell me the time. I decided to text him what time. His reply was that we meet up at 5pm. I squealed in delight, this was the best day for me. Going on a date with Menma! I heard a voice rumble, down the hallway coming towards the living room. I was laying on the couch, I looked up to see Akio staring at me with a bored look.

"What you want..?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"You going out with that boy?" Akio said, and folded her arms.

"W-Well.. I-it's ju-just a d-d-date.." I stuttered, and she smiled.

"I knew it!" She yelled and tackled me to the ground. I groaned in pain, and she held me on the ground. ''If he hurts you, i'll murder him." She answered holding me on the ground.

"Like what, messing around with him..?" I playfully laughed, and smiled.

"Maybe.." She whispered, and my eyes widen up.

"Are you flipping serious?" I yelled and pushed her off.

"I'm just kidding!" Akio laughed nervously. I stood up and the clock. It was 10am, and I groaned.

"Hey Sakura, lets go shopping." Akio chirped.

"Uhh, no thanks."

"Aw, come on! It'll be like sister time." Akio pleaded.

"Don't we already have way to much of it?" I questioned.


"Okay okay! Fine!" I yelled, and she cheered. She was already dressed, she wore a purple dress, with black flats. Her hair was curled, and she had a bow in her hair. She did look really pretty, I squinted at her face, and she was wearing not that muc eyeliner, and little blush and lipstick. Akio grabbed my hand, and basicly dragged me out of my home. Akio smiled as she pulled me into her car. I sat and buckled my seat belt, i held something because I'm scared of Akio's driving. She turned on the radio and it was playing pop music.

~You make me feel like, i'm living a teenage dream.~ The song plays, and Akio hums to it. I look at her, and shes beating on the steering wheel. She glannced at me and laughed. I laughed with her also. I started to hum along a little to the song, which threw Akio off gaurd. She stopped at a stop light, and looked at me.

"What?" I say defending myself.

"You were singing pop music..." She said shocked, and had a small smile crept on her face. I chuckled a little at her, Akio's small smile became wider and she was smirking at me. I shrugged at her and smiled.

"I do like Katy Perry, she does make some good songs.." I say defeated. She started to drive again, and she sung along to the lyrics playing. I rolled down my window, and let the wind blow my hair back. Within a few minutes, we arrive at the mall parking lot. We walked out of the car and entered inside the mall. Akio grabbed my hand, and I shivered. Her hands were cold, she's always been the child that has cold skin. She dragged me into a shop called Wet Seal. I looked around the store in awe, the store had many cute clothes. Yes, i did say cute. Akio let go of my hand, and went to look at the dresses. The store was having a 50% off sale, which doesn't happen all the time. Maybe because, they needed to get rid of some of their clothes. Akio picked out a short dress, that was black. She put it in my face, and made me hold it. It felt very soft. Akio went to the other side of the room, and picked out cross tights, and handed it to me. I smile softly, as she grabbed my hand and took me to where they had the shoes at. My feet were measured, and she picked out flats. She pushed me into a dressing room, and i hesitated to put on the dress. I slid on the tights, and flats. Akio knocked on the door.

"You almost ready yet?" She asked impatiently. I sighed and i looked at the door.

"No, stop being impatient." I say, as i put the dress thru my head. I looked in the mirror, and I looked adorable. Slowly, i opened the door, and Akio gave a little squeal. Quickly, i covered her mouth. She stopped squealing and i let go of her mouth, she smiled.

"That looks so cute on you, i'm buyying it for you." Akin chirped and went up to the cash register. She bought the clothes and handed me the bags, I groaned and I carried them. I followed Akio and she took me into other stores, finally I went inside Hot Topic.

"GO TO HELL FOR HEAVENS SAKE!" The music played and I smirked. I liked bmth, since I was younger. Akio shivered as she walked inside the store, I saw some boys in the store with snake bites and I smiled.

"Woah he's H-O-T!" Akio practically yelled and I shot a look at her. The two boys heard and looked at us. One of the boys had black raven hair, he sorta looked like someone I knew.. The other boy was a guy with long hair in a pony tail, and he had lines on his face. The raven noticed me and walked up towards us, with the pony tailed boy following after.

"This is why you keep your big mouth shut." I whispered harshly towards my sister. Her face sadden and she gave me a annoyed expression.

"This is gonna be bad.." I muttered to myself and I folded my arms waiting for the boys to come towards us.


Hey guys, hope you like this part. this is part one of this chapter, they'll be part 2 and it will be longer. I needed to update this story, so here you go. no more madness right? C: love you my babies<3

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