Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Emilee's POV

"That was the hardest thing I've ever done!" Ingrid wiped her tears away.

"It's okay mom."

"You try leaving your three baby's with a load of strangers!"

"My sister works there, she's not a stranger," I told Ingrid.

"I have to go back!"

"No, Mom. You've been in the hospital for the last two weeks without going home once. You need a break from the hospital."

"But I miss Tori, Tristan and Allie!" Ingrid complained.

Over the last two weeks, Ingrid started calling Victoria, Tori and Allison, Allie, but Tristan, she still called Tristan.

"You'll see them soon."

"I want to see them now!"

"Just drive her back, Josh. She'll like it better there," I told Josh.

"Fine," Josh sighed.

Josh and Ingrid left and soon enough, I got a text.

Josh: She hasn't even held them yet!

Emilee: I know, but she can't for three months so just let her be happy

Josh: Open the front door.

Emilee: Why?

Josh: Just do it.

I went to the front door and swung it open to find Josh there.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What's cooking good lookin'?"

I chuckled.


"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

I took him by his shirt and pulled him in and closed the door.

"You have issues."

"I know," Josh kissed my cheek. "Have you talked to Haley much?"

"Sort of, we have talked like every other day and you should have been there when I told her about Victoria, Tristan and Allison, she was so happy but she also felt bad that they could die in a heartbeat," I sighed.

"I know, I love my brothers and sisters so much and don't want any of them to leave."

"Well, they are two weeks old but still so small."

"I love them so much and they fit in with the family so easily, but Mom hardly notices Dylan or I anymore," Josh frowned.

"Well, she does have three children sick in a hospital that could die as easy as cutting hair."

"Yeah, but she has two children at home that she doesn't even pay attention to anymore ever since she had her last three children. But I do miss and love Allie, Tori and Tristan."

"I know, all three are adorable," I smiled.

"Well they are related to me," Josh joked.

I laughed and hugged him.

"I would just hate to see one of them gone," I sighed.

"Me too."


Josh's POV

Emilee giggles as I tickle her.

She has the cutest giggle ever.

I'm the luckiest guy on Earth.

"Stop it!"

I ignore Emilee and tickle her more which causes her to giggle more.

"Josh! Stop hurting Emmy!"

I turn around and see Dylan at my door.

I still can't believe mom and Bob haven't changed my bedroom yet, I thought they'd make it into the triplets' room.

"Dylan, he's not hurting me, we're just having fun," Emilee sits up.

"Are you sure?"  

"Yes," I say.

"Oh, Dylan, before I forget, you have a play date  with a girl named Nicole."
"I don't know her though, and Josh promised to go to the store with me today to get a Hallowe'en costume," Dylan replied.

Emilee turned to me and narrowed her eyes.

"I did," I confessed.

"Fine, I'll call Abby and tell her we'll do it next weekend."

"Thank you!" Dylan hopped into her arms.

"No problem."

"Want to come with us to get Dylan a costume?" I asked.

"Sure, as if I have anything better to do."

I put warm water in the bathtub and Dylan followed. I quickly washed and dried him. Finally I put his clothes on and brushed his hair that goes nearly to his eyebrows.

Josh took a quick shower while I buckled Dylan into his car seat.

Josh came out within five minutes and off we went to the store.


"I'm getting my camera out, you look too cute!" I squealed as I took my camera out of my pocket and took a picture of Dylan in a huge round marshmellow suit.

"I wanna see!" Dylan approached me. I bent down and showed him himself.

He started giggling.

He tried on many more like, Spiderman, Stewie Griffin, a girl, the sun, a pumpkin, and a walking cell phone.

He was too cute.

After an hour of trying on costumes, Josh wanted me to try some on.

"No," I protested.

"Come on, Em. Get in the spirit."

"No one wants to see a pregnant girl in a Hallowe'en costume."

"I do," Josh winked.

"Haha, no."

"Fine," Josh sighed. "But come on, we're going out for supper now."

"Yay!" Dylan yelled as he took mine and Josh's hand.

We walked to the counter and paid for Dylan's marshmellow costume.

The lady behind there was acting all smiley and bubbly.

"You are the cutest family, and I see there's a new addition coming along?"

"Yeah, someone new is coming along but we aren't a family. This is Dylan and Josh."

"I'm guessing Josh is the dad?" She laughed.

"Yes, he is," I smiled.

"Well, you'll make an adorable baby boy."

"Boy? We don't even know that," Josh narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, I can tell the future."

"Oh, interessting."

Josh paid and we walked out, after she greeted us and wished us luck with our son.

Our son.

I guess the surprise is over.


"Dylan, finish your pizza!" Josh demanded.

"I can't, I'm full," Dylan sighed.

"You don't have to finish it," I told Dylan.

"Emilee?" Dylan asked.

"Yes, Dylan?"

"Will you be my momy?"

Josh spit out his pop.

Dylan and I both looked at him for a bit, then laughed. I turned back to Dylan, still laughing.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Dylan had a confused expression on his face.

"Because your mommy is at the hospital."

"But I haven't talked to her in over a week. She doesn't care about me anymore," Dylan's tears poured out of his eyes.

"Awe," I put him in my lap and comforted him.

Josh got a phone call and quickly answered it by saying, "Mom? Why? What's wrong? Okay."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know but Mom wants us at the hospital now. She was also crying."

Oh no!

We quickly drove to the hospital.

A lot was going through my head right now like, is she hurt? Are Victoria, Tristan or Allison hurt? Did one of them die?!

No, think positive, think positive.

We got in the hospital in a few minutes. Dylan was holding my hand really tight while Josh was talking to the front desk lady.

She told us what room to go in. I asked her what was wrong and she replied by saying it would be better if Ingrid told us.

That got me so worried. My heart was pounding, my head hurt, and my blood was boiling.

"Are you okay, Emilee?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, just worried."

We arrived at the destination and I stopped at the door.

I was frozen.

I saw Ingrid cry over Victoria's body.

Possibly dead body.

No, think positive, think positive.

I rushed over to her.

"What's wrong, mommy?" Dylan asked.

"Dylan," Ingrid sighed and picked him up. "Just your little sister."

"Did she die?!" Josh asked.

Ingrid cried.

I cried, then Josh and Dylan cried.

After more crying, Ingrid finally spoke.

"No, she's not dead."

"Then?" Josh was confused.

"The doctors came in an hour ago and told me that if they'll do good, they get to leave just before Christmas but only Tori isn't doing good. They said Allie and Tristan are doing fine but Tori might not make it because she's not doing so well," Ingrid cried out.

"Come on, mom. I'll take you home. It might be better for you."

"But what if this is my last moment with my little girl? You can't take me!"

"Mom, just come on," Josh was comforting her and helping her walk out.

She really didn't want to leave.

Even though me, Victoria, Tristan, and Allison aren't related, I still love them and feel horrible that poor little Victoria could die.

Stay strong, my poor little Tori, Allie and Tristan.



I'm writing a new story called 'My Adopted Family' and here's the description;

Chelsea's family always picked on her for not having a family of her own at the age of twenty-three. It's Christmas and Chelsea's parents invite her and her brother's family over, because Chelsea told a lie saying she had a family. Chelsea meets Justin at a local park and asks him and his three year old son, Jimmy to be her adopted family.

Does it sound good? Would you guys read it?

Let me know in the comments! Please? :)

You know the drill, (vote, fan, comment) ;)

I know this chapter is short, but I got so much feedback, reads and fans that I had to update, or I'd feel bad.

Thank you guys soooo much!

I loooovvvee you alls sososososo much ! ;) ♥

*~ Sara. ♥

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