Chapter Two

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I arrived late to school at 7:00. The crisp fall breeze blew my black hair out of my jacket and onto my back. I started to walk towards the school's blue front doors. 

When I got to the doors, everything went still. It was like they were waiting for me to just attempt to open the double doors and enter the school two hours late. I pressed my hand on the cool metal and pulled. The doors wouldn't budge. 

"Hello?" I said peering through the glass. There was no one in the front office or the hallways. Where has everyone gone? 

It was really weird. Usually the doors are wide open for any stranger that may happen to walk by this school of death and wander in not knowing what lurks in the shadows.

I tugged on the door handles again and this time the doors eased open. That was weird... I walked into the school and started to go towards my classroom. 

The air started to feel cold and I swear, someone was following me. I turned around and felt a chill go up my spine. Something isn't right. 

Left. I whipped around and swung with my right fist. It was caught by one of my enemies; Taylor Leeke. 

"Well well well. Look who got caught wandering the halls. You're such a sneak Molly." Taylor cracked my hand's knuckles. 

I flinched from the pain. 

She brushed her red hair out of her face. She grabbed my shoulder with her right hand. "Listen, if you really wanted to tick me off, you wouldn't have been born. So get the heck out of my way or I swear, I will keep you dead forever if it's the last thing I did before I turned into this monster of a person. Am I understood Miss Molly?" Taylor held onto my shoulder tightly.

I nodded my head and pretended not to show pain. 

"Now get to class you trashy rat". She let go of my shoulder and disappeared into mid-air.  

I rolled my eyes and kept walking to my class. Room 109 where are you?! 

I suddenly I got an urge to punch something. I turned towards the navy blue lockers, made a fist with my hand, and punched them. **** !!! I shouted shaking my hand, trying to get rid of the pain.

I heard a door creak open and my teacher's head popped out of the room. "Molly? What are you doing out there?". 

I looked at Mr. Fredwick with a innocent face. "Honestly Mr. Fredwick, it won't happen again. You see I got lost and I had to save a lost puppy from getting killed by a-".

He held up his hand and made my mouth close. His fangs started to pop out in between his two lips. "Listen here young lady, I'm not messing around anymore. If you come to class late one more time, I will personally attend to your punishment. And trust me, it will be a lot worse than the last time I spoke to you about being late. Get in my classroom before I change my mind."

I held my damaged hand and walked inside the classroom; following a dead teacher.

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