Search for Yazoo and Loz

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Cloud's POV

I got a message from Shin-Ra, and they said both Yazoo and Loz escaped again. With those wounds they had, they never would've made it very far. I let Kadaj stay at the cabin, and try and get some more rest. I left on a motor bike I borrowed from a shop.

I got a trace of another bike trail, and I recognized it as one of the remnants bikes. I followed, and it led to one. Loz was driving, and holding the innocent looking long haired remnant I his arms. I followed them, planning to forget Shin-Ra custody, but keep them in my own sight. I saw the bike speed up, and I sped up three times more. He kept speeding I sped up five times more, and when I was real close, he slammed on the breaks, and I kept going. I watched what he did, and he just kissed Yazoo's forehead, and left him. It shocked me, but I at least got to catch one of them. I got off my bike, and walked up to the long haired late youth, and I checked for wounds. I unzipped his coat, and saw a large swollen bruise on his abdomen. I zipped his coat back up, but he groaned. He was close to waking up, due to his heart rate speeding up. I got on my bike, and held Yazoo into me, going back to the cabin.

I walked into the cabin, and what I saw, nearly made me scream, but I held back. Loz was holding Kadaj in a chokehold, and he also held the youth's waist. Kadaj was still conscious, but he was struggling to much. Loz was much faster than me, and he threatened,"I'll kill him in front of your eyes if you don't surrender Yazoo and yourself!"

I cringed, and noticed Yazoo was slightly awake. I pulled out a large pocket knife, and held the blade up to his neck, and I pressed on his abdomen, causing him to cry in pain. I blackmailed,"I'll cut off his pretty little head, if you don't surrender Kadaj!"

I smiled, but he just smiled even more wickedly, and said,"Go ahead, I don't care if he dies, even brutally. I already know he'd die with that wound. It messed up his whole system.  I don't care if he dies, not anymore!"

"Loz...!" I heard Yazoo choke.

Yazoo gagged blood, as I pressed on his stomach one last time, and then I stopped. I stepped backwards, and I hissed,"Can't you see them?! They're afraid of death! I demand you to stop this at once!"

I couldn't help, but put my arms around Yazoo comfortingly, but that never stopped the fear burning through his eyes. I dropped the knife, and laid Yazoo on the ground, and I fell to my knees, and hissed,"Now release him!"

I could see it, this wasn't the Loz, Kadaj spoke of. This man had to've been possessed by someone. I leaped up, and kicked Loz hard in the face, and after gave him a hit hard enough to knock him out. Kadaj got his breath back, a stumbled as he got up. He looked at his barely conscious brother, and he asked,"Did Loz just all of a sudden go on a rampage?"

I grabbed Kadaj's shoulder, and he turned around, and glared. He knew I was trying to say for him to simmer down, but he mouthed,"They threatened to kill us!"

I turned away, but heard him demand more. I looked around for any gil that man may have left behind. I hit the jackpot of fifty thousand. I told Kadaj to look after Yazoo as I left.

I found a merchant passing by, and I bought out all their curing potions. I also got some potatoes and carrots. I was left with twenty thousand gil after that. That merchant sure was expensive. I ran back to the cabin, and I saw Kadaj holding his brother in his lap. He looked at me, and a tear ran down his face. I pulled Yazoo away from him, and I hissed,"I won't let him die! He wanted life, and I'll give it!"

I poured a potion down he throat, and the bruise healed a little bit. I gave him another, and he healed completely. I was glad I never let anyone die today.

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