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"Shut up," the woman screams at her husband. "I hate you and I don't know why I ever married you!"

"I wish we never met," he yelled back. "Hate isn't a strong enough word for how I feel about you!"

The small baby boy let out a small cry, grabbing their attention. The boy was 5.3 pounds of pure excitement as he faced his parents. Unaware to their fighting, he began to speak his very first word.

For once, the parents worked together.

"Grab the video camera," the mother ordered.

"I've got it," the father replied.

With a click of a button, the family began recording the monumental moment.

"H-h-hh," he began.

"C'mon sweetie," the mother encouraged.

"Dad-ad," the father prompted.

"H-h-a-," the boy continued.

"What is he saying," the mother questioned.


"What," the father asked.

"Hate. Hate, hate, hate, hate!"

The baby gave his parents a gummy grin as they descended into yet another fight.

"This is all your fault!"

When Love Meets HateWhere stories live. Discover now